DOWNLOAD UNSC DAMASCUS Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault Recommended Players: 2-8 Map History: The UNSC Damascus materials testing facilty on the planet Chi Ceti 4 is being used to test materials like the MJOLNIR armor. On November 27 in the year 2525, John 117 and his fellow Spartan's tested the MJOLNIR Mark V Armor fr the first time right here in this facility. Ever since then, lots of other armor suits were tested here, like the Recon Armor, The E.O.D Armor and many other armor sets and gadgets. Back in the year 2525 the biggest part of the facilty was an Obstacle Course, where the spartans tested their ability to use the armor while they where being shot at by soldiers. but now it has been setup for more realistic combat situations, real combat against other spartans. Now new armor sets will be tested in combat matches with spartans vs spartans and help the engineers to collect data that will help future Armor sets. The Facility is build in a sort of asymmetric urban type of concept, and has some long range batlles on the rooftops and more close range combat on the ground or inside a structure. some heavy weapons like a Sniper rifle, Shot Gun. BR Rifles and even some covanant weapons are being used to do some serious damage. like mentioned before all data will be collected and send to the engineers to improve the armor, weapons or other gadgets that someday might become very important again. because the fight may be over, Peace never lasts for ever. Screenshots: Overview of the map overview of the map from the other side a structure with 2 shield doors, but on the other side are 2 doorways without them, also 2 fusioncoils inside. a sniper can be found here inside. Another structure, with a tunnel on top, inside of the tunnel is a needler. a BR can be found behind the cornerwall sticking out. A gate with shield door that leads to the otherside of the map. theres a way to avoid going through the shielddoor by jumping on the crate and then over the wall. can be handy when somebody waiting for you on the otherside. yet another structure, this one has 2 doorway to get in, one on the left as shown on the pic the other on the right side. you can get on top by the stairs inside or jumping via the dumpsters in front of it. inside the above mentioned structure, a sniper can be found here aswell, make those bullets count cause you only 4 bullets and no spare clip. the last and final structure, this one can be entered from almost everyside. ofcourse you can also get on top taking the stairs. same structure but seen from the otherside, also here a doorway that leads inside, go inside here and turn left to end up at the shield door to get on the other side of the map. or go straight through it to end up at the doorway showd at picture above. inside this hallway is a shotgun. the shielddoor i mentioned in aboce picture, left of it another doorway that leads inside the hallway the hallway, shotgun behind the fusioncoil a tricky entree, make sure you dont get seen by an enemy when you pass through it, or just shoot the fusioncoils yourself to make sure your safe. player could meet eachother here at the start of the game. Weapon list: #/Weapon/Spare Clips/Spawn time 2x Sniper Rifle 0 180 1x Shotgun 2 180 6x BR Rifle 2 30 4x Assault Rifle 2 30 4x SMG 2 30 4x Spiker 2 30 2x Needler 2 120 2x Brute Shot 1 120 10x Frag Grenade x 60 10x Plasma Grenade x 60 Equipment: #/Equipment/Spawn time 2x Overshield 180 2x Power Drain 120 2x Bubble Shield 120 1x Flare 120 Video:
From looking at your post, I can tell that your map is really well concieved, despite an unoriginal name. I can suggest that you lower the grenade spawn times and remove a few, as well as consult Debo's guide to grenades in Forge Discussion. As well, you may want to raise the sheild door, so that the bottom is just over the floor, allowing players to bounce 'nades under. I like your map's look, and layout, DL.
looks pretty cool i like the layout of it, but epic fail on the name lol. anyways aside from that, it looks pretty cool and i will check it out sometime soon. good job
Wow very breathtaking seems alot of fun to play with your friends with. Alot of interlocking involved great job on that also used most of all scenry 5/5.
very nice layout. i love the name. i see nothing that would need to be improved its an excellent map 5/5
NNNIIIIIICCCEEE MAP!!!! I really think this is feature worthy! Great interlocking!! Really fun to play SWAT on. For once, there is nothing I need to pick on. This map= Epic WIN!! 9/10! Great job!!
This looks very well interlocked and well the only thing actually bad a bout this is the weapon placement.
thanks for the replies. about the name, yeah now i think about it maybe not so original indeed, but i thought it would be fun after reading all the halo books to make something that was named in the books(and yeah im so freaking bad in making up names i admid hehe), and ofcourse give a little spin to it. anyway could you please tell me whats so wrong about the weapon placement, for kinda the first time i desided not to use that many power weapons. and the placement of the weapons should be kinda fair enough for both teams. anyway when i played it with my friends i had some good fun, but im not really a pro halo player so i might oversee somethings.