UNSC BATTLESTORM The avalanche frigate This map is a frigate on avalanche called UNSC-D43-BATTLESTORM - it is a lightly armed transport craft mainly used for transport of high ranked UNSC officials or VIPs. the ship is inerlocked in places and has a cockpit, a viewing platform and a main room. the main way to get into the ship is in the back, up a ramp. The ship took about 4 hours to make and an hour to touch up and improve. Backstory Battlestorm was originally built as a transport ship for high priorty tasks during the last few months of the war aginst the covenant, carrying important people through high risk areas. now, in 2554, with the UNSC on the edge victory over the remaining covenant forces and many VIPs such as spartan 117, Commander keyes and Johnson, KIA or missing in action, Battlestorm's uses are all but diminished. Therefore, command has decided that the frigate shall be sent to the front lines and used as an assault ship to push an attack on the last of the coventant forces. The weaponry on the ship is only light, and weak when compared to that of the awe-inspiring coventant ships - so command is sending two heavily armed escort ships to go alongside. Before the attack can be launtched however UNSC Battlestorm must get supplies from a remote snowy planet where the UNSC has placed a docking station. This is likely to be her last time on the surface, this could be her last voyage... DOWNLOAD UNSC BATTLESTORM HERE
Pictures are not showing, so change it. Also your text is way to light, I would darken it or no one would be able to read it. Welcome to ForgeHub btw. - For anyone who can't read.
OMG, You have 24 hours to fix up the thread, Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Post titles must consist of the map name ONLY and no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. Failure to post your map correctly will lead to a topic lock after 24 hours in the absence of a fix. If you have any other question send me or anyone else a message. P.S. welcome to Hell!
right, sorted it i think, jesus guys calm the hell down seriously. its my first post - cut me some slack im working on it.
amazing looking with the ship but there getting a bit old nice interlocking and everything is straight 5/5
Beautiful ship, like the escorts, neat, nice interlocking, overall 5/5. One thing, though. Your DL link isn't working.
Dosen't look like a frigate at alll, though it is a good ship, you need pics of the inside of the ship, outside looks great though! 4.5/5.
Looks great! All straight and perrrrty. Anyway what does it look like inside? Great first map, by the way.
thanks people. ill get some pics of the inside. should be up by tomorrow. dont forget to rate =) i also made it a bit clearer where to click for bobguy13.
I can't really tell a lot about the pictures. How big is the inside? You just need some more pictures. For now, 3/5 Edit: From looking at the inside picture you posted, the inside seems to be decent sized. 4/5
I like this - it has some neat touches like the wardroom and escort ships. Things are at odd angles tho and a few too many holes. You could probably do something with a ship at an extremely wierd angle - sortof a halo poseidon adventure thing.
well you really can't say it doesn't look like a frigate because a frigate is just a smaller ship than the norm, so its still is a frigate because its a small ship. great map it looks really clean cut but can you put up the pics of the inside so ppl can get a better idea of the map before they dl 4/5
looks very good, but from the pictures it almost looks like the front is drooping a bit, it might just be me though...
This map looks good, though I do have a problem with the fork shape front. either way, very creative.
Content Allready Posted here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/43521-unsc-battlestorm.html Locked.