UNSC Corvette Delphi (Sketch-up)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FreckleEars, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    UNSC Corvette Delphi

    Basic Info:
    Map Type - Asymmetrical on total map but Symmetrical (Stern to Bow) for the ship.
    Primary game-types - Offense Defense game-types, FFA game-types.
    Players - 8-16
    Kill Zones - Above the level and around the ship and local area.

    This map is something I have always wanted to do. In Halo 3, I had a 3 level ship made of containers in Avalanche. It was tiny and very ugly aesthetically. The purpose of the map was an infiltration map to and from the ship. Generally it was a team infiltrating the ship with heavier weapons than the defenders. This map is the same idea just on a massive scale. In the Forge, I have been able to recreate an entire ship. The Corvette Class Vessel is a small scale assault and recon ship. They were generally short term mission with long range and limited supplies.

    This map is about 120x30x40m which puts it about the right size. Like any modern ship, this has a Bridge, a CIC, an Armory, Engine room with Engineering, a Hanger, and other facilities to boot.

    The ship hanger and main entry point.

    The Mess Hall is one of many places to sneak around or defend.

    I am not even sure if the map will play well. This is more an art project gone crazy. Hopefully I will get a LOT of feedback seeing as I am really looking for opinions on this one.


    A Top Front Right view.

    A Top Front Left View.

    A Bottom Rear Right View.

    So obviously I tried hard to make this look as much like a ship as possible. It does not look like the ships in Halo thus far because the Corvettes have not been shown and are generally very customized for their specific missions. Clad in thick Titanium armor and equipped with a fully loaded hanger, 6 batteries and a single short MAC, this tactical ship will be engaging a facility in Forge-world by shooting small objects via Mancannon out the barrel at the base. Luckilly, for Spartan 3's and their armor, they can also be fired directly at the base as well (Base not designed) due to the MAC being able to fire any metallic object.

    A large fusion reactor is in the Stern of the ship with observation and monitoring areas. A Mess Hall is just a short walk to the sleeping quarters (which are off limits), located on the third deck. The Hanger is a 2 deck segment of the ship with various vehicles for usage to assault the enemy base. The CIC, Bridge, and Quarters occupy the 3 level Bow of the ship. The CIC is also connected to an escape Falcon which can be used for infiltration as well. One can observe the MAC being loaded every 30 seconds or so as it fires another salvo at the armored fortress, but it may take some reinforcements to take it down.


    Getting around this large ship is as easy as taking one of the many ramps up, or just dropping down a level in a lot of places. There are medium sized open areas in the ship but it is mostly a close combat area. There are plenty of locations to hide, and ambush for anyone on the Delphi. These ships were hard to take forcefully so use stealth to your advantage.

    To give a better idea of the points of interest, for the sake of KOTH and tactical planning, I've labeled what I imagine the locations on the ship to be.


    It is rather hard to get good pics in Sketch-up of a close quarters map so that is all I have for pics.

    This map is mainly a one sided assault map but can easily be played in any form of FFA, Oddball, etc. The ship will be close to the ground with a rock ramp to launch into the hanger if you have enough speed.

    The basic premise is there will be a facility in the Canyon and the Delphi will be aimed right at it. Attackers load up on heavy weapons and armor abilities and head right for the ship. They can take the hanger or use a ship to fly into the CIC. Attackers will work their way through the ship to complete their objectives (KOTH, CTF, Assault) or kill off the opponents in a one life style game-mode.

    Defenders will have to hold the ground. Armed with whatever is on the ship, they will have to repel borders and prevent the opponents from reaching the Reactor, Bridge, and Armory. Once those are lost, the ship is as good as useless. They have the upper hand in defense positions generally always having the upper ground. That being said, the enemy will be pushing hard with heavy weapons.

    Suprisingly, this map contains less objects than my Tower Rock Map. Tower Rock was more technical, where this one was about quantity and me fitting the map to match the aesthetics (generally not a good way to make a map).

    - Building Blocks
    • 88 of 100 @ $10 = $880
    - Bridges and Platforms

    • 26 of 50 @ $10 = $260
    - Buildings

    • 0 of 12 @ $150 = $0
    - Decorative
    • 86 of 100 @50 = $4300
    - Doors, Windows, and Walls
    • 48 of 50 @ $10 = $480
    - Inclines
    • 39 of 100 @ $10 = $390
    - Natural
    • 0 of 50 @ $10 = $0

    Total Cost:

    Approx $6300 (some object sizes are wrong which may mean more or less pieces required.

    I come close on some object counts but I should be able to make this with some patience =P

    Any comments/suggestions will be appreciated and will hopefully help me make this a good map.

    #1 FreckleEars, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    now THIS is a ship that i would like. spacious, equipped, and badass. i would really like to see this when it is done. i would also like to know wether or not the mac cannon is functional, and if it is, what will be coming out of the barrel of the mac cannon? i believe this will be my first map to download. if it finishes fast that is. (^_^)=b
    #2 Sgt Surchin, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  3. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Wow this looks very nice. And the fact that you've estimated you're budgets shows how serious you are about making it. Great job on the Sketchup.
  4. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    Oh ya. I never fully explained that.

    Ya my idea is when in the armory area, you can hop into a chute that puts you right into a series of mancannons that will launch you out of the barrel of the MAC. You start in the armory and accelerate out the end like in the Duck-hunt mini game form Halo3. Every 30 seconds I plan to have a fusion coil or a small box spawn that will be free to move about. They should launch right out of the end of the cannon as well. I figure that will take some time to get working correctly.

    If I use small blocks, they will fire at an angled platform in the water. A Spartan will be able to walk around, but a block would roll into the water and spawn out of the map. If I use fusion coils, the base the MAC is shooting at can be on land seeing as an accelerated fusion coil will just blow up on impact anyway.

    The MAC cannon runs most of the length of the ship from the armory in the stern to the very front in the bow, like in most of the ships described in the Halo universe.
  5. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    awesome =) cant wait to test this thing.
  6. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Take a few of the braces the ones that look like feet and put them at an angle in a room, makes it look like Stasis Chambers.
  7. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That actually looks pretty darn good. I got rid of some out of place looking cover in the main hallway in place of 8 of those 'stasis chambers' in the 2 main hallways. It looks a lot better, and provides better cover.

    I still have yet to decide what to do with the CIC (and a lot of places). I may place some mid level walkways or tiny rooms in the CIC to make it not so pointlessly open. I also think the Hanger is in dire need of some cover for infiltrators. Looking at the room, it is very open and would probably be difficult to take. I dunno though, depends on the weapons and AA's in the infiltrators base.

    This definitely needs some smoothing around the edges.
    #7 FreckleEars, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  8. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Wow, this looks like a promising ship, it looks amazing. All the floors and rooms and the actual thing looks stunning. The only problem I think is that the area between the dock and the hanger looks bad, and the dock looking like a box and all. I say either add some aesthetics to the dock area to get rid of that "box-like" look or add a window, coliseum and just put it in the wall of the CIC to get rid of that boxy end. (it will slightly hide the dock from a side view.) Other that that little thing, it looks really good, I say go for it.
  9. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    Pretty much just jizzed my pants. MAKE THIS MAP! I'd love to see more ship-internal maps. This reminds me so much of the Pillar of Autumn.
  10. cD halomcee

    cD halomcee Forerunner

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    Oh God, this map is truly awesome, I'm still amazed on the things this community is going to create on Halo Reach, is it just me or my career is ruined.
  11. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My original paper sketch had the back end of the CIC curved and never had a dock, it had a bunch of smaller escape tubes. I ended up changing the design due to a limitation in pieces. I also wanted an aerial way to enter the ship.

    That being said, now that is has been drawn up, and it has been commented on, it seems that the original paper sketch is the better choice. The current CIC is too square and the landing pad juts out in an ugly fashion. I should go back to the original design and may add an air-lock on the top of the ship to enter via Falcon or something. I could even take the floor of the CIC and make it a bunch of drop pod looking structures for ODST's.

    With a couple more ideas I will post a revision 2 to the ship.
    #11 FreckleEars, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  12. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    I know one gametype that i think would be really cool for this, A one sided assult game where the attackers (covanent perhapse) have to plant a bomb to destroy the reactors or various other key locations to cripple the ship.
  13. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ya that is what I was thinking. One sided anything will work well for this map. I will just need help balancing the weapons/AA that the attackers and defenders have to make it as fair as possible.

    CTF could be in the bridge to simulate grabbing a NAV core and escaping to the base whereas Assault could simulate destroying the Fusion Core.

    I am personally interested to see if Halo Reach has one sided territories, and KOTH. I would like to make this map compatible where only the attackers would be able to take and hold locations on the map and the defenders just try to prevent it. I know there were territories similar to that but if I remember correctly, the defenders could just take the territories back.
  14. Its an Act

    Its an Act Ancient
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    Well you could also set it up for invasion, If you can do invasion in forge world.
  15. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sadly Invasion is unforgeable and inaccessible in Forge World from what I understand. If it is though, this would be a fantastic map for it.
  16. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    That is SEXY. If you need playtesters don't hesitate to add me. The xbl name is the same.
  17. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    It's a amazing map I still get surprised at the size of the creations we can now make I can't believe this is possible lol (honestly the maps are so huge I can't believe them till i get reach and see one made, till then I'm in denial of the possiblity of it because of how awesome this and other maps are)

    It's good the way it is but if your gonna make improvements Make it like perfect replica of the Corvette Delphi , if that's not a real ship have fun with it and make it good gameplay wise :)
  18. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Dun worry, you can fully forge invasion in Forge World. Bungie said they'll explain the system for it, as it apparently is a little complicated.
  19. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Forerunner

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    does anybody wanna play some customs on this map tomorrow at like 3 pm central time?
  20. goop

    goop Ancient
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    Since you are looking for some advice on the map here is a tad bit. The docking area creates a major vacuum meaning that this ship would never be built by the unsc. You could get away with a cavity like that by making the back sloped by the ideal way to remove it would be to simple make into hangar instead of a docking bay. Or better yet a loading bay. Also the reactor looks a bit plain if you ask me perhaps add some interior complexity to it. Since it is made out of glass it would be cool to see stuff in the reactor. You could simply use a pre made building for the attackers base. Are you sure you want to put it on water though? You could just make a death barrier on the ground under the ship so that the attacks can only board through falcon's and banshees. Otherwise this would be a great map if you need any further advice or assistance with the construction and or development of the map you know where to find me. My gamertag is Skylion007 btw. Yeah so to some it up make the docking area more streamline and you will be good to go.

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