UNSC Cargo Drop

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by the whyher, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    UNSC Cargo Drop 6-16 players, All gametypes compatible.​
    by the whyher

    Recon reported intel on an unknown structure deep under the ice, UNSC quickly deployed a cargo drop and assessment. The Cargo Drop could have been attacked or hurried forcing such a sporadic scatter across the frozen ice..

    The main objective in forging UNSC Cargo Drop was to create a simple asymmetric map for One Flag and other MM asymmetric gametypes using half of the known and familiar geometry of Avalanche. A main goal in the process was to use objects in forge as their true form, giving the map a believable lense. Still, If its more you desire, take a look at the dividing wall which cuts off half the default Avalanche. Using only forerunner objects, in an amazing feat, the wall blends seamless into the true geometry of Avalanche. The simplicity and familiarity of the geometry and forge objects means average players in Match Making can adjust quickly to the map and any gametype it may support. Despite being an asymmetric map, its versatile, working well with both symmetric and asymmetric gametypes. UNSC Cargo Drop is compatible with every default gametype but designed for One Flag and Territories particularly. Old geometry combined with new cover warm the freezing air with a plentiful supply of battle rifles, equipment and power-ups to give the player a new experience with a familiar feel.













    UNSC Cargo Drop Designed with 4v4 in mind, but it also works very well with as low as 6 players, 3v3 and up to 16 players, 8v8. In symmetrical gametypes, the defender side ghost in the far back has been removed. Only the center ghost remains as a rush/control object. In asymmetric gametypes, the center ghost is still up for rush but actually is just a little closer to the attackers. The defenders have a ghost in the far back. If the attacking team takes the longer back way around via one way teleporter they can also use it for an added assault if its there. Ghosts are used to gain an edge in all game types. In both symmetric and asymmetric gametypes, all mongoose remain. Because of the maps size, A full load of mongoose make for faster transportation. There is a single one-way teleporter leading from the just in front of the default avalanche shotgun cave to the default avalanche laser spawn. This paths a safer one for attacking teams because it avoids the center of the map. It gives the attackers a way to get around the back side of the defenders. The down side is it takes longer.

    Weapon loadout:
    Battle Rifle x24 - 30s
    Covenant Carbine x7 - 30s
    Spartan Laser x1 - 90s
    Rocket Launcher x2 (spare clips - 0) - 90s
    Shotgun x2 (spare clips - 1) - 90s
    SMG x4 - 20s
    Needler x2 - 45s
    Plasma Pistol x2 - 20s
    Magnum x5 - 20s
    Missile Pod x2 - 60s
    Active Camo x2 - 90s
    Overshield x2 (OS in attacker base - asymmetric only, OS under bridge - both) - 90s
    Regenerator x2 - 60s
    Power Drain x3 - 60s
    Bubble Shield x2 - 60s
    Grav Lift x2 (asymmetric only) - 60s
    Frag Grenade x5 - 10s
    Plasma Grenade x17 - 10s
    Ghost x2 (Ghost in back defender side - asymmetric only, Ghost near middle - both) - 90s
    Mongoose x8 - 30s

    All standard gametypes are supported on UNSC Cargo Drop.
    Creators’ suggestions include:
    One Flag / Territories
    One Bomb / King of the Hill
    All gametypes can be played both with default weapon sets as well as with BR starts.

    Download UNSC Cargo Drop

    The goal of the appearance of the map was to appear as simple as possible and focus around game play. If its looking like I didnt really do anything to most, then I did my job well. I didnt want the map to look forged in no way possible. I wanted to use only boxes and open boxes as what they are, shipping containers. I also wanted them to match the crates so I made them all green. I formed my theme around that.

    The gameplay is hidden in the tailored simplicity. Its created for MM and for anyone to pick it up and be comfortable. If you know my work, you would know how particular I am about my forge and things being perfectly aligned and such.
    Let the wall be the statement that theres real working going on in this map. You wouldnt know if I didnt tell you, but some of the boxes were aligned perfectly level if standing on flat ground, your eyes feel very comfortable with perfect perpendicular lines in all the uneven geometry of avalanche. The hard work IS there, Its meant for you to not notice.
    #1 the whyher, Dec 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
  2. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    OK so it's on avalanche. I have to agree with Havoc the boxes do look like they've been thrown randomly. I don't know if that's what you really WANTED to do. Looks very interesting. And it does look like it might have potential for MLG.
  3. xDHxHAVOC

    xDHxHAVOC Ancient
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    looks really good and nice interlocking and geo-merging...I dont think its very very planned out but you did think of what you where going to do. but it looks like you kind of just through boxes everywhere. But I could be wrong...
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    u mentioned that the ghost is more of a deciding factor in games, but there are a log of anti vehicle weapons and equipment. looks like a really balanced, interesting map. the wall blocking off the rest of avalanch looks really cool too. if you ever want to do a v2 of the map it would be a cool idea to add floating structures. 4/5 from me, great job!
  5. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I knew I would get this a lot, but its ok. The gameplay is hidden in the tailored simplicity. Its created for MM and for anyone to pick it up and be comfortable. If you know my work, you would know how particular I am about my forge and things being perfectly aligned and such. Let the wall be the statement that theres real working going on in this map. You wouldnt know it if I didnt tell you, but some of the boxes where aligned perfectly level, your eyes feel more comfortable with that perfect perpendicular line in all the uneven geometry of avalanche. The hard work is there, Its meant for you to not notice it.

    It reads the ghost is used to gain an edge, not a deciding factor.
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I don't mind the wall, but the rest is pretty sloppy. I mean all the map really is a wall, with random crates and boxes lying around. If you're going to make a V2, try and make bases or something. Also, the map isn't really up to Forgehub standards. You need to embed a picture, not a slideshow. You know the drill. 24 hours or the thread gets locked. Here is a link to help embed pics. Hope it helps.
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    2 rockets 2 camo 2 overshield and a handful of mongeese? I know it's a big map but I think that it is too many. The thought to gameplay in terms of cover and structures are good but they seem to be a little plain. I expected more from you. Sigh.
  8. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Its clear you did not read ANYTHING in the post, not EVEN the big yellow size 5 font writing at the top of the post about the pics.

    As for the rest of what you said, again you didnt read, Im not going to argue your perception of the map, because its ok, but if you read you would find that they are not random or sloppy. You didnt even bother to understand the map. Its aysmmetric and has the two sides. The main base is a base, and the the flag room and high ground is the defending side. Not all maps need two bases, high ground doesnt, just an attacking and defending side. What you could have said about bases was that you would like, to see a few forged structures and I could call them bases..

    No hard feels man, but please read, its clear you read nothing when all there was WAS words, and two links. You just clicked a link. If you dont read the thread, then please dont bother replying with a post.

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    believe it or not kids but this maps been a long work in progress. Its been tweaked and altered to perfection, and the CARGO DROP effect was captured beautifully. Everyone calling it sloppy is a DUMBASS. Clearly everything was placed with great intent, indicated by every box in the pics above being GREEN. that doesnt happen when you just throw boxes down. Seriously people, you'd think you'd be able to give Whyher the benefit of the doubt due to his previous works Tension (the greatest map to never see the front apge here at FH) and Industries. Give it a chance, its actually a lot of fun.

    Whyher, let me know when your playing this next cause I haven't gotten the chance to play the final version.

    As for the rest of you, I'll be watching this thread, and anyone who shows that they clearly didn't read the map post, or gives a shitty uninformed review will be infracted.
  10. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Well you say it's made to perfection, and Lightsout, backs this claim. I'm still not sure if the gameplay is great though. So I'll download and play it, because I know the kind of maps your capable of making.
  11. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I really didnt want to get into how long it took and how many variations I had because most would just laugh, really. How could it take that long? ..but LIGHTS is right.. I had more variations on this map than any other. I new that keeping it this simple would mean even more work. Because its designed for match making, I was continually trying to gain input from players and up the game play. I think the most suggested idea to me was bigger structures in the middle. So I tried it. I tried staying with the theme and still using the containers, more set up, like marines were organizing the cargo drop. I found the structures slowed the rush to the flag and it really made the attacking team even more pin downed. The attacking team just seamed to get to that point in the map and fight it out there. Make no mistake, with all the goodies on the map which are more favored for the attacking team, it truly is a b!tCh to that flag. To give you an idea of how it feels. Its like the center of Stand Off but stretched out longer, its a very neutral terrain. Then theres a high ground for the defenders. The distance is key, because of it, even on the higher ground, you cant just pick off players across the map. Imagine being on the highest radar platform on top of one base on stand off and shooting your BR at some one at the opposite base. It can be done, but extremely hard. The best thing in all the testing which says a lot, was that in every One Flag test, the score was always 1-0. Out of 4 rounds some one always scored. Its hard work for both sides, but its even. The more players gain experience on the map the better of course they become. Territories was always close and went down to the wire almost every time as well. No blow outs.

    I would love for more film and input on the map, but please first take the time to read first, understand the map, then give me some ideas.

    Thanks Lights.
  12. civilian

    civilian Ancient
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    Whyher's box went done a few days ago. To be honest I dont think he needs feedback on the pictures posted on this thread and how you think it looks, it doesnt help. Feedback from those that played the map the way it was designed helps. Like 4v4, 5v5 asymmetric games or something.
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Well, I had a brief forgethrough and it looks very promising. When I next have a party roudned up, I really want to give this a shot.

    Although, as much as I know how map makers hate to hear about this, it's easily breakable. Along the giant wall of ramps, which was beautiful by the way, you can throw down a grav lift and get out easily. Compared to other breaks, like grenade and buddy jumps, this'd is very easy to accomplish ingame. I had a look and you do have plenty of the budget left, I tried to see how it could be done and noticed you've hit te item limit. Although, I'm sure a few spawn points can be spared for a few bridges or something else. Ultimately it's up to you but personally, I see it as too big an issue to just let it be.
  14. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    It doesnt bother me you bring it up at all man, dont worry about it.

    Grav lifts, what I did with that was the lifts are only in asymmetric games. Getting out of the map doesnt help in any asymmetric match. All MM games have a time out in them, I mean even the sudden death times out, so its no factor at all. You cant nad, ghost, or goose jump the wall either. The only other way to get out would be butterfly jumping, which could be done on ANY forged or non forged wall that doesnt reach a level barrier. So there is nothing you can do with the butterfly.

    My view on it is this, if someone in MM wants to lose, or break the map they will... Breakable maps created by Bungie are still uses in MM today. Narrows and Guardian come to mind. As long as it cant be used for an advantage then its really not a big deal. What sucks is when its exploited and used for an advantage. If it can be broken then it needs to be fixed or that gametype shouldnt be played on that map. Those are the 2 options. Like Guardian.., its easily breakable, and when you're playing a 2v2 slayer game., It matters!! Now if it was a flag, hill or territories game then go ahead and break Guardian. Its not going to help. See what I mean... You make the break mean nothing and its just the same as jumping off the edge... Its not going to do anything.

    Now if the player still wants to take the longer effort to get the same end result you cant change that. If they want to ruin the game then they will, in what ever manner they want, team killing, suicide, driving around or standing still the entire game, what ever it may be. If they want to, they will, its just a harder way to do it.

    What really frustrating to me is Bungie still keeps breakable maps in that are paired with gametypes that exploit the break and turn it to an advantage. If you still want that gametype on that map, then FIX the MAP! If you DONT want to fix the map, DONT pair bad gametypes on a breakable map. Thats really the golden rule in any case..

    Dont pair a breakable map with a gametype that can use the break to an advantage! Use the right gametypes for the right maps. You need to make the break become just a harder edge to fall off of, its no different, get it..

    It makes sense right...
    What do you think about the topic or point Im trying to make?
  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    You trumped what I said very nicely. I forgot they were set to asymmetric.
    Makes perfect sense.

    For where the spot is, escaping is pointless. You're leaving the map with no way to return and not view of the action. You're basically killing yourself.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    needs more interl0ck1ng, 2/5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

    Looks great! I'm going to put in a download tomorrow, sorry I can't right now (que is full)

    Just like to mention, action shots would probably be nice, though not entirely necessary. Also, do the boxes and other movable objects fall from the sky at spawn? That's pretty nifty if they do, though then it would have the far greater possible occurrences of random splatters of doom....
  17. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I sooooo wish I could do it, I was.., am still open to it.., having a hog drop at 3 minutes for the attacking team. I think it would really make it stand out.. I was going to put in the map description something like, "Hog drop, ETA 3 minutes," or something like that you know?? That would have been cool!
    I did try out crates falling from the sky, its pretty cool but they just disappear if no one is around them. I didnt like that but didnt mind it at the same time. The main reason why I scratched the idea all together was again because its made for MM. I would assume it could lag the game... Objects falling from the sky and disappearing and then spawning and dropping all over again. So I just scratched it all together.
  18. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    The idea behind this map was captured awesomely. The wall is mega clean and this plays well, I tried it. Good job, whyher
  19. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    I agree this could be mlg map....but im more leaning onto a team slayer map which is good nice layout i thought this was going to be a boring ship but its not great job!
  20. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    From the pictures, the only actual forging i see looks to be rather limited and sparse. The boxes are strewn about, intentionally im sure, but they still do not add that much flavor to the map. If you had built a structure, i think you would see a much more positive result.

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