UNSC Avalon

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by crazygamer4ever, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. crazygamer4ever

    crazygamer4ever Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now before i start i bet some people will be saying, Didnt you create this kind of map already? The answer is yes but the map had a few problems(ill admit i do suck at forge) I made a map to see what i can add and then UNSC Avalon was born!

    The map is divided by 2 sides the ship and the attacker side

    [​IMG]The Ship has an armory, vehicle depot, bridge, and a heavy cannon


    [​IMG]Now if your wondering how can i get on the cannon. Simple go to to room with a tele and look up and jump till you see"drive scorpion"



    For the covenant side you have 2 ghost 1 chopper 1 prowler 4 banshees and 1 wraith

    Most of the vehicles are behind walls or in a building to protect it from the scorpions line of fire.

    The map is almost done, all i need is testers.

    Please tell me if it looks good so far, and tell me if you see some errors, so i can fix it.


  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    o_O I mean no offense when I say this severely needs to be cleaned up, by the pictures it looks like you don't know how to interlock, or just didn't. Now that isn't necesarilly bad, but neatness is needed to make up for that. But its ok, we all have to start somewhere.

    My suggestion is first to look through the forging 101 section of the forums, there you will find information that will greatly improve both the aesthetic appeal of your map, and its playability.

    click here to go there

    Then testing is good and posting afterward, I've seen a few maps like this and I really do hope that you can pull this off better than they did.
    #2 Aschur, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Also, don't throw down random blocks for "cover". That is never an effective way to create a good looking, functional peice in your map. But you seriously need to read through the forging 101 section.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Usually maps without merging draw few downloads and little praise. The base idea you have going here can turn into a good map, but this requires making it so people go outside the bases, which means you need large amounts of cover for players. Some suggestions:
    Go here to learn how to merge
    I see what you were going for with the ship, but aesthetically and gameplay with such ships is difficult to pull off. Like most people your ship detracts from gameplay.
    Keep barricades, but use large numbers of blocks merged into the ground to increase cover and limit vehicle paths. Be sure some of these are in the sand around the edge to prevent vehicles from simply circling the map.
    Merge the bases into the dunes so they are NOT floating, and vehicles can drive from the sand over the top of the base from the back only.
    remove large weapon rooms, and place the weapons spread in the middle to entice people to go out there, while leaving some weapons spread throughout the base. Ideally, people will have the advantage of cover in the bases but heavy weapons in the open spaces. Turrets should be place in or on the bases, not in the open, unless on a cliff side (Valhalla, avalanche, high ground).
    Use only stationary gauss warthogs for turrets.
    Remove immobilized scorpions because they are too powerful, and at the top of a base, cannot shoot downwards.
    I know you were going for the ship sort of feel, but you definitly need a base for the covenant side to even things up. As long as the covenant are attacking, the lack of a base is fine, but if they are pushed back by the warthogs, covenant side has no chance for the rest of the game.
    Do not use teleporters unless your map is incredibly large. These are generally an excuse for not enough cover on the map, to get people out to the middle.
    Place weapons like missile pods in the open, not in a weapon room, so although dificult to reach, they can immediatly be used to fire on enemy vehicles.
    Make the sides equal, they should have similar levels of weapons and vehicles. If the bases are different in height, size, etc. make the weapons and vehicles play off these traits.
    Once you make a better map, post it here and I can go into more details on what to do to make a good map great.
    Also look around at some other good forgehub maps to get ideas.
    #4 pyro, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  5. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Lol I love the way you block the crypt hole, VERY effective.

    No offense man but this map is terrible. It may sound harsh, but it's true. Have you ever heard of a thing called interlocking? (I'm not being sarcastic) Well, if you don't, it's a method of conjoining two objects together. If you do this with just about every object on the map, it will be smooth and look like you actually put some time and effort into it. Head over to the Forging 101 section to learn more about it.

    Look man, you have a good imagination, but you're bad at forging. Good luck.

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