I reserved it. Shipping to Gamestop won't be complete until tomorrow. I am getting it then. This game is wildly more popular online than Halo 3, so everyone get ready for an empty lobby in Halo.
Sorry for the double post but i just want to say this game is very epic! i am already good at the game, it is very fast, plenty of maps, and each weapon is awesome (not the biorifle, stay away from that crap) and if you value ur life you would never stand still. every charactor looks like a football player and there are plenty to choose from.
Honestly, I have to tell you guys that those are all noob weapons, however fun, biorifle being the least nubbish(long ranged sticks WOOOOH). Learn to use the sniper rifle quickly, it will help later as people get better.
It came out July 8th. Agreed, learn to use the sniper, and it will be quite effective. Its so easy for teh no-scope.
I got this and only got to play it for about thirty minutes and it was insane, you move so ****ing fast! Seems like it is really skillful though which is great, i just need to play some more once I get back. Seems like a great alternative to halo, its just too bad there isn't the map making feature that kicked ass from the other versions.
very true about the map making feature from previous games i love that!! just like i love forge!! but anyways it just looks like a graphicly better version of the old games which were fun for like a week then repetative
this game is the anti halo.Halo is about strategy ut3 is about speed and reflexes try the kill slows time mutator on instant action it rules the ai is good the necris vechiles are very scary but i do miss the hand to hand weapons the freezing coup de grace{coo de gra-killing blow}and knocking rockets back at people but ut3 is amazing
Maybe the biorifle does = sticky but im getting ok at it only using the charged shots. I was playing on Suspense vCtf and this guy was about to score, and i pretended to be dead rite at the flag and i totally ambushed him lol. i love that feature, push down on d pad to fake death it fools everybody.
no way do i ever use the fake death does it really work if i see a body it gets some spiral rockets at it i love the scavanger and dark walker fun to drive scary to fight also the hoverboard and teleporter gun are amazing and change the way you play i think it is easily the best multiplayer based out
It's been working out for me, i was inside a base for 10 minutes gaurded by like 3 people til i accidently dropped my controler pushing the right trigger, you can guess what happens next.
I realise im ridiculously late on this but which is meant to be better PC or xbox version. Only thing is,microsoft are being ****'s about user made content....which means no playing as master chief or samus....or playing super mario tournament... Anyway its cheaper on the PC too,do ya reckon its worth getting on the xbox or will i just go for the PC version? On a randomly awesome thought,would it be possible to tweak UT through modding etc...to make it play like halo? Essentially giving us free rain to make whatever map we want...course we'd be playing it on "unreal tournament" but in essence it'd be the same....