Unreal Development kit

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Camel Carcass, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    *If this is in the wrong section, please move it.*
    Note that I have no intention of 'advertising' this, it's a free resource that could be easily used to improve forge and design, thus I thought I'd share it.

    Unreal Development Kit (UDK)

    Unreal development kit is a program that is used to create maps and games, and has the default engine of Unreal Tournament 3. It is also the engine that was used to create games like borderlands, mass effect, and gears of war. However, these all used external programs as well, which aren't essential. Some programs are included in the beta package, things like tree builders, and AI flowcharts.

    The program is primarily a map editor, or that's what I use it for. I will include a few links to tutorials further down. It's relatively complex at first, especially if you want to learn the advanced features, and change the physical properties of objects. The program is in real time, and objects will react to camera movement, proximity, or interaction.

    I will post screenshots as examples of some map builds I have created, but if you want to search for better examples, I'm sure there are some great maps people have created somewhere.

    If you're wondering, the beta (all you'll need) is free, and available now.

    The link for the main site (and download) is UDK - Unreal Development Kit - Epic Games
    The link for program updates is UDN - Three - DevelopmentKitBuildUpgradeNotes
    The link for official tutorials is UDN - Three - DevelopmentKitHome
    The link for an example game (with walthrough) is http://www.udk.com/elements/downloads/Whizzle_Creation_Document_1_2.pdf
    The link for some unofficial tutorials is APIStudios

    Here are some of my own screenshots, all which I have created from scratch.

    This is one of the example maps.

    I strongly advise having a test around and following some of the tutorials, and getting acquainted with the program before trying anything big (I haven't yet.)

    The camera is free fly, there are optional set viewpoints, you can test the game and map, in the program (or outside), and there is virtually no limit to the amount you can build. Once you have followed some of the tutorials, you should be able to design and build a map quite quickly, and can even input your own AI, objects or characters.

    Use this thread to discuss, post pics, ask for help or feedback the UDK.
    Have fun!
  2. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I'm curious, does it offer free-coding?
    If so, what languages?

    Are there add-ons?
    If so, are there add-ons for coding languages?

    Also, this looks better then the Dragon Age Toolkit, and just as easy to use.

    One of the features in the DA Toolkit is to control camera movement quite dynamically, is something similar in the UDK? (E.g. Camera Rails)

    Does this use an Object-based system?
  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I presume that the coding's free, wouldn't think why not.

    The add-ons are included in the beta, other external add-ons could probably be downloaded from the website.

    Without looking at the DAT, it is better.

    Now that you mention it, I haven't found an option to do this while editing.
    I know that in creatable cut-scenes you can do this, but I'm not entirely sure about doing it while editing. If you need to, then you could use the preview mode.

    Objects can be dragged & dropped, created, sketched or imported. It's pretty universal.

    I should probably mention the obvious at this point, don't download if your computer is really slow.

    Also, if you want higher res screenshots, I can upload in 1080p if you want it.
    #3 Camel Carcass, Feb 22, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2010
  4. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    No, I mean does it allow easy coding from within the game (not through editing text files)

    I can tell that the answer is probably yes, but what I meant is does it class all terrain as one object, or does it allow separate objects and classes, which would be split into groups with "parent" and "children" features.

    The type I meant isn't really necessary unless you're into programming for game design.
  5. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    If you mean for the AI and object's physical properties, they're all editable figures that can be easily changed. For instance, if you wanted to make water react like jelly to someone jumping in it, you'd only have to right click > properties, and change some values, rather than have to type up a whole load of actionscript junk.

    Although if you wanted to do it that way, I'm sure there's probably some options to lay out the properties like that..
  6. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
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    I've seen this kit used before, and it's got to be one of the favorites I've seen thus far. It's pretty simple to use once you've gotten a good grasp around the concept, and limitations really are only in your mind once you've learned a lot.

    Along with this development kit, I love the Call of Duty: World at War devkit and WarCraft III map editor (it may seem simple, but the amount of customization is just utterly ridiculous if you've got the know-how).

    This thread is now declared awesome.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Looks sweet. Maybe this will bring a new level of designing to ForgeHub. I doubt it but it would be cool. Do you design the levels in wire-frame first and then add textures or are textures pre rendered on pre-built 3d objects which you then manoeuvre?

    I may give this a download :)
  8. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Every time I try to run the setup file it laggs my explorer.exe and I have to shut explorer.exe down then restart it through Task Manager...
  9. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    All objects are compatible with different views, wireframe is just one. There are different types of wireframe views (none of which you have to use), and the textures as a standard are displayed in my 2nd and 4th screenshots, but you can drag and drop some default, import different textures to different parts of an object, you can create your own, or even download more. Some textures can move, or be scratched, all can be edited.

    What are you running it on?
    And how many times has this happened?
    It might be worth trying to delete and re-download...
    Although that is quite tedious.
    This is probably stating the obvious, but it is a big file, make sure that you close all programs or apps that are using CPU.
    #9 Camel Carcass, Feb 22, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2010
  10. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    It's a slow comp, but it tends to work most laggy things.
    The problem is whenever I open the setup file, the setup never opens and explorer.exe is lagged to death.
    Most laggy things only lagg when using the thing, not when installing it.
  11. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Have you tried turning it off and on?
  12. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I would, but it'd take to long.
    I'm re-downloading.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Sounds awesome :p Dl'ing now.

    @Draco If your in vista or 7, run in xp compatibility mode. That may help. Also, have you got all basic frameworks and runtimes installed? That may fix your problem! ;)
  14. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I'm in XP, and I can't run the file which is the problem, I try to run it and it laggs explorer.exe to death. Setup doesn't show up or anything.
  15. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Try turning off your computer by holding down the power button, then running it in safe mode.
    It disables anything unessential, and should allow the setup to run.
    If this doesn't work, then it's probably your computer.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Follow Camels instructions and if that doesn't work.

    Post your specs. Did you also check the specs? Their quite demanding!
  17. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Sorry, but if possible, no more posts regarding dreaddraco2 and his setup problem, it's spam.
    If you want more help with this, send a visitor message to my profile, keep this thread clean please.
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Agreed, it's not like I can reply to messages -.-

    I just downloaded and installed. Seems to run fine but I haven't had chance to build anything. I will look at some tutorials over the weekend probally because I'm getting tired. Got any recommended tutorials OP?
  19. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I'm using the unofficial tutorial at the moment, which is why I added it, but I'd expect that the official is probably better, I haven't really looked it over, it's probably worth looking at them both and making your own conclusion. Links are in the OP.
  20. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I've been looking for something like this for some time. I'm not just interested in the mapping, but in the actual game design as well.

    I need to learn UnrealScript.

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