Hey guys, this is my first map I uploaded onto Forgehub. Please don't go easy, I would like to see if my map could get on MM. I believe that this map can make it but do you. So please reply like you would to an expert. Here's some details- Unreached is an Invasion map that also works for Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Headhunter, Stockpile, territories, assault, and infection. It has 2 main bases and one boat for initial spawns. It did have troubles with invasion initial spawns for blue team. It takes place on the island so the mid ground has a fake mountain and a rock bridge. I'm really looking forward to feed back on this map.Walkthrough- Video [bungievid]22615027[/bungievid] Story Your Spartan squad has crashed on a methane refinery. Your job is to steal their data (so we can learn more of their prized loc.) and wipe out the refinery. The refinery knew you came so before you arrived, so they built a wall that could only be powered down through the crates. In the first phase of your attack you must power down those walls. The next thing you must do is steal the data core. Then you must wipe out their main refinery with the C-4 on the ship. Leave no survivors! Weapon list- -DMR ?x -Focus Rifle 1x -Fuel rod gun 1x -Grav. Hammer 1x -Magnum ?x -Plasma pistol?x -Rocket Launcher 1x -Spiker 1x -Sniper Rifle 1x
Sounds like a fun map dude and I would love to critique it but post up some pictures first. Supporting all those game types sounds like a mighty challenge to take on so I'll check it out.
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I couldn't embed it, when i tried just the code showed up. I put a link to it though I hope that's good enough.
Thanks, now is there any comments on the map? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Can someone please comment on the map. It would really make me happy. Sorry for bumping but only one persons had a comment about the map and I would like to see more.
I've seen this map before. Very fun, though weapon layout and LoS could have been better. Not bad by any means though...