
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Crackah 4 lif33, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
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    Welcome to the preview of my newest map, with 10+ hours already put into it.. This is going to be a 1 flag, 1 bomb, infection type of map, with a highly powered base on one side, with vehicles, and bunkers on the attacking side. Unlike other's though, this base has been planned out, thought out, changed alot, geo-merged, and has many entrances, stretches from side to side on the main floor of sandbox. It has some geo-merging features, including ramps, blocks, and others, forming the starting point of where I began forging this level, which was in the dunes.

    At first, I was quite inspired by Kentucky Tango, one of the greatest maps in my opinion, and so I decided to make a 1 team oriented map, like I said before. This is pretty much the only screenshot I have so far, and this map isn't even close to being finished yet.. At the expected 25-35 hours of work on this map, I should be near finished, and ready to post.. I will make a name for the map, weapons list, and post them back in this thread, along with my progress. The defender's base isn't even done yet, which is quite surprising to me, as the idea's are constantly flowing through my mind/head. =)

    Psh and Used man helped geomerge the ramps, and attacker's bunker which is not shown =D

    #1 Crackah 4 lif33, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This looks a lot like Conkerkid11's map, Velocity. I got a forge-through on it, and it looks really similar to this pic in places...

    I love the 1-Flag maps :)

    keep it up
  3. used man

    used man Ancient
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    what, no mention of me!? I built the attack bunker, and merged those ramps :/
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Looks like some nice work so far Crackah! Does this already mean you released the map you showed me multiple times yet or are you still working on it while you are working on this. I couldn't imagine working on two amazing projects as such. I'm glad you are taking a liking into geomerging now, or so it would seem. "You stole my war barriers!" Did not, but what you've got in front of your base looks like what I've got on Velocity... Hrrrmmmm... Nevermind that! Looks great Crackah and Used Man. I'm sorry mean ol' Crackah isn't giving you credity for something you helped with... Lulz. I see that randomly geomerged stone platform in the bottom left corner... Used go on a geo-tapping spree again?
  5. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Looks a little sloppy. But then again, you could fix it later...maybe. ;]
  6. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
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    Psh, that's there on purpose and I can doez it too? :O Lolz, i gave him credit, was really late when I posted this, and was sick of typing ^_^ Themz my war barriers, different parts than yours :p
  7. used man

    used man Ancient
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    ill just give you some pictures;
    thats the bunker he mentioned with a newly added cannon man setup beside it
    that is the new center area.

    depending on what happens all of this is prone to change.
  8. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Good job, it seems that most of the best maps have geomerging nowadays.

    About the second picture with the large center piece- replace the wedge at the bottoms with a real block double or large, because I don't like the split there.
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Your first picture looked like you were off to a good start, but the updates just look like random **** that you didnt plan to do. Not a fan really.
  10. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    the only thing i see that i think is out of place is that bunker thing.
  11. The Zombie Horde

    Senior Member

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    I agree the first pictures look really good but the update looks bad and random, sorry
  12. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As the newer additions to this map seem quite random, it will all soon fit in as we begin to work on the map some more.. As for the center structure, it will be neatened up a bit, and we should have some more screenshots soon. This map has around 15-17 hours put into it, and we plan on 30+ hours, so please be patient with us if this thread starts to die out xD.. As said before though, we seem to like to focus on a certain part, even if it seems quite random, and build around it.
  13. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    The walkway (under) looks a bit sloppily made, but can be fixed. Other than that it looks great! Can't wait to see final product.
  14. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Updated screenshots, the side structure is near completion, after some more geo-merging.. The other side structure is a work in progress still, as the middle structure has now been deleted, and is being created last. Attacker's base is still in the same coniditon, as the defender's base is almost near completion. Leave some feedback guys =)

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