Unnamed map.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Twelve, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Twelve

    Twelve Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Alright so yeah, this map was made with unlimited jetpacks in mind. It's basically a big box with smallish buildings lining the outer walls. It is perfectly symmetrical. There is no floor, only water. As of right now, only slayer will work on it, and swords or hammers or something short range is recommended. It's not exactly made for long range fighting, but maybe someone could help me with that. I'd say this map's about 80% complete so far.

    Overview-ish thing.

    Starting base, soft kill zone on the inside, and one way doors, so you can't really camp in there.

    Walkway leading to either inverted tower or middle.

    Inverted tower.

    Side building.

    Side building interior.

    Middle. I particularly like this, it's not too intricate but it reminds me of something out of Cloud City or Kamino from SWBF.

    Total overview with top off (whoo!).

    So yeah, gimme feedback. I wanna know if this looks fun to you guys.
  2. Twelve

    Twelve Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention... See those covered bunkers on the bottom of the side building? You can drop down into those through chutes that come down from the top of the building. There is also a walkway behind them, underneath the building, that allows you to exit the bunkers or enter through the rear (lol).

    #2 Twelve, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  3. Niel15

    Niel15 Forerunner

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    Looks really good. But why not try putting some teleporters? Just a suggestion.
  4. Twelve

    Twelve Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't know where to put them... I guess maybe from the starting base to the inverted tower or something? idk.
  5. Evrito

    Evrito Forerunner

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    tbh teleporters aren't really that essential i think its a cool concept and a nice looking map.

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