searching the interwebs came across this thought i would share with you
I'm sure that modders hve pulled Recon or flaming butt or wtv from the game cuz it's on the disc, but who cares? it's just armor, It's not going to miraculously make anyone's life better.
yes i know this i really don't care about amour perms i am just informing the masses (the people obsessed with recon)
wow i dont care much for recon or "flaming head" like wow you got cool stuff it doesn't make you a better player or anything just stop trying to make a diabolical plan to storm into bungie and get it like jeez let it gooo...
k, since i don't dell like looking at every post, can you just post the post that shows how these modders are doing it or does it not tell?
all that theyre doing is going into saved films and making it appear as tho u have recon ect ect. but in reality, u cannot play as it
Hmmm... it's modding, so even if it worked (i think it does), you wouldn't be able to play on XBL, thus it is useless...
Very useless. The whole point people want Recon is to showoff. No point in having it when you can't show people. i'm not very fond of Recon's helmet anyways.