So I'm working on a map in foundry with the preglitched canvas with everything outside. I go to place some objects nothing complicated just a floating shield door. I save and quit but when i come back the only objects i can place are the shield doors, the windows becasue theu cost $0 an assault rifle and a sender and reciever node. Does anyone know what happened? I really do not want to rebuild this from scratch.
Try waiting a few minutes after starting the game, and it should come back. If that doesn't work start a new round and check. Still doesn't work...wait a few minutes
What might have happened is that the map file glitched, moved a couple objects around, they got deleted, and bam. Now you can't make anything.
Ya i tried waiting for a while nothing happened. I looked back at it and it looks like magically the runtime maximum for everything that i haven't used to make the map has reset itself to 1. Everything that i have used was set to the highest number that i had used. I'm not sure why. I didn't delete my last thing or anything but i did accidentally put all of the single boxes, so now they are sitting in a corner.