someone plz make a video of this on youtube. i would highly prefere it NOT to be a machinima. time lapse for some parts would probably be useful. thankyou.
I have always had to judge how much stuff i could put when i got down to $100, this is a HUGE help! Thanks!
if you can spawn only 10 of on item, not because of the budget, but because of the map limiting it, can this glitch make you spawn more that 10 of the item
Okay, I don't think anyone clarified this, and I found a few things on my own using this glitch. You can delete objects, but there are two conditions that change this rule. The first is if it is the only item on the map, the other is if you met the maximum of the item. This is because when you delete an item that there is only 1 of it resets all of the options to preset, therefore "breaking" the glitch for that item. You can't delete the object when it is maxed out because the game recognizes that the maximum=amount, so it lowers the maximum with it. I am more sure about the first one than the second please let me know if the second part is wrong. Thank you.
people. Please READ the whole topic and stop asking this. No. It cannot. You can only have one flamethrower. You can't has cheezeburger.
originally reading how to use this map i thought that you couldnt delete the objects that were already placed but in actuality you cant delete at ALL [not even objects youve placed yourself] unless you want to reload the map and change the runtime back to the highest before your budget hits zero.
you say that it can be done on pre-existing maps, but it is harder. Is it any different than spawning one of everything you need and setting the runtime minimum to max? and also do you have to spawn new items or can it be done with items already on the map say if you used them all up? any help is greatly appreciated.
What happens if you go over what the normal budget would be while the cost is unlimited, but then delete one of the items you only have one of? Will some of my things get automatically deleted or will the budget just be at 0?
Ok basically you are doing the glitch for every item. Lets say the max of item X is 10 and item Y is 20. You have 10 item X and 1 Item Y budget 0 (actually negative) if you delete item Y you will NEVER!!! be able to place that item again on that map until your budget it positive again. This is because when you have 0 of an object on a map the program realizes it and resets all settings. This INCLUDES the maximum, so instead of the maximum of Y being 20, it becomes 0.
I know how useful this is (I've run out of money at inconvenient times before), but it seems like an awful lot of work to do for unlimited...
Actually, if you save and quit then restart, you have some budget left over, so you could re-glitchify that item.
One issue I'm surprised nobody has yet brought up is the reason Bungie placed "budget code" into forge to begin with. Has anyone experienced game performance issues when playing a forged map that has the maximum of every object? I know this glitch doesn't seem to apply to the invisible "too many objects on map" variable that the game keeps track of yet doesn't show the player (frequently to my dismay when placing spawner objects for my maps to cover all the gametypes), so perhaps that ought to keep things under control (hopefully). In actuality most folks won't be using this to just shoehorn as much crap as they possibly can into their maps, it just worries me, like every time I walk into that room in Oblivion where I duplicated 800 dwarven maces- things don't just slow down, it's like the event horizon of a framerate black hole. I know, it's my own fault, but I like my house pointy.
My question to you guys is, is it better to make a cool map by glitching and coming up with ways to get around the system, or is it more note-worthy to make an awesome map that abides by the pre-set rules? I myself think the latter.
Why would you not be able to use those techniques? As long as you don't delete items, you can still do the interlocking objects technique (simply a matter of respawn times to place objects). I agree with the above poster. This glitch will not be exploited to its fullest by many people; only those who are trying to do something ridiculous. Most maps will not require the use of this glitch, and it is dangerous to assume that there will be no repercussions for overusing this glitch on a map (framerate issues, lag, crashed 360, head explodes, etc.). All in all, I will trust the guys who coded the game (Bungie) that their budget is in the game for a reason, but that doesn't mean that we can't push a LITTLE BIT more out of it. Squeezing in a few more objects can't hurt, but force-feeding objects in forge will only make your 360 upset at you, and likely die.