I was making a really nice map, Then all of a sudden my budget ran out =( I Basically just need to add all the weapons on the map than i would be done. Is there anyway i could do the budget glitch with how the current map is already? Or would I have to start all over again? :cry:
Two ways. Start all over again. Or delete some objects less important, and place your weapons. Sorry, budget glitch can't be added now.
DON'T WORRY! You can add it. It would just take a while and wouldn't be much fun. Found a tutorial for you by A dumb cat. Hope I helped.
ive done the budget glich on a finished map before it takes a long time but it can be done if its just wepons that you need its easliy done 1) delete things untill you have atleat $20 (things that are easily replaceable) NOTE: do not delete evry item of 1 kind E.G. all crates 2) save and quit 3) slowly do the budget glich back buy how muchu can each time E.G. $20 = only 6 ARs, save and quit then put another 6 ARs down NOTE: i sugest to do the money glich on the things you deleted 1st it makes more sense 4)do the glich for every gun and objects that you have deleted Tips: make shure you have atleast 1 of every gun on the map before doing step 3) otherwise it will take longer and good luck, try to space it out it will get boring so do like 10-20 guns or objects then break, play a game of mmthen go bck its will work
Yeah since those two guides have already been posted, I'll just say this. Please don't EVAR post something like this that is not only utterly incorrect but could lead this forger to a falsely provided conclusion. As you were. Oh and ya, just do what they have posted, I remeber Gunslinger did it for Jedwali, that was a lifesaver. But for further use, maybe you should consider the map's intended scope and size beforehand because doing this is awlays a pain.
Wow, I now know hoe to use the unlimited money glitch on a finished map, thanks. The Unlimited Money Glitch as many rules, it takes some time to learn them all.