Looks pretty sick man, reminds me a bit of Archaic. I have one question though; is the map really called Unknown or is it that you just don't know the name yet? Probably a stupid question though
Dude, this looks really cool. And I agree, it is sorta Archiac-esqu. I want to know when this is finished, because I just reserved a spot on my HD. jk/ this picture isnt helpful at all. All I know is you have a tin cup+invis somewhere on your map. lolz
DAMN YOU WITH YOUR TEASERS!! They tease me anyhoo I do like the look of this and am looking forward to its release, although I wont be sure on wither or not I like it, but if the rest of the map looks like this then I will probably like it
looks nice from the picture but still you could have put more into the picture so we know what the map will sortve look like =]
Agreed i'll get on it whever I can. Just thought the pic would be nice to entice people. Lol i'm a poet and I didn't even know it.