Lmoa, people actually listen to music still? ————— [edit] https://open.spotify.com/track/5XTa16oQcmEB0FBtzofPN3?si=rFBp8nvpTbu2ParUTJZvNw
a band with a sound like no other band. I like the somewhat psychedelic input merged with industrial-rock elements. Fun
Did a thing. Also sorry I haven't been all too active on Forgehub during the past year, so much has been going on and I've just been rather busy with everything.
https://www.overwerk.com/virtuevideo I'd love it, if music went back to this lengthy kind like the classics from Mozart, Vivaldi, etc. From the description: In Virtue, each scene and respective statue acts as a tableau. The sum of which, thematically contextualized by the seven cardinal/theological virtues, illustrates one of mankind's most inherent conditions; mind-dominance. Virtue is a cyclical allegory, written by OVERWERK himself. The video depicts the journey of a male figure who becomes overwhelmed and emboldened by thought itself. This figure is meant to personify our mind's journey and abstraction from that which gives us life. This man's unrestrained predisposition and ego become a veil that shrouds him from the divine. Only through true surrender, does this man begin to reconnect with his source.