You ask for the C&C, but do you have the heart to deliver it yourself? Anyways, it's one of your best but it's pretty monotone, so try a gradient map with another color similar to the current pallete. The effects seem to be just drifting off her body. And I was hoping for her to be coming out of the effects, so maybe darken the outer rim some more and it might provide better depth. The text is alright, but it seems to disrupt the flow of the effects. Try tilting it a bit to fix it up a little.
The border kind of ****s up the style of the tag. But the smudging is superb. The only problem I see is it's slightly monotone. Just remove the border and add a little more color and you've got yourself some smudgy goodness.
Overall it's very nice. The left side seems to be ded space. Nealy one straight colour throughout. Dragon is cool. THe top and bottom borders don't work in my opinion. They ruin it. Try a thinner full border with slightly lowered opacity. I lol'd. I really like. Seems as if it could be real. Not much CnC can be given to this other than it works and is amusing.
It's cool I like it. A litttttle overdosed on C4D's, and your using the same style over and over, which becomes less appealing. Try stepping away and use a different kind of sprite, and try a new style.. Hells' your style sucks. Its too repitive and just STFU about having this thread. Sig sucks, I hate it.
Is that the new SOTW stock? Why are the stocks always so weird...? As for the sig, it's okay. The font could be better, and the quality of the pic in the back isn't that great... I like the C4D's (now that I learned what they are ^^ ) Still need to figure out how to make them... Again, I don't like the sotw stock, but the effects are pretty cool. And dont expect to get your 255 rated, at least not at once, from me. Post 1 or 2 at a time, and eventually, you'll get them cnc'd. I don't like the borders on the sides... The BG is pretty neat. Simple, cool. That's some nice photoshop...or is it? And why texas? Why not, like Cali?
Not going to enter it.. just got bored and the stock was already on my desktop. Never usder estimate the power of 2px basic brush scribbles lul
E93, you make C4D's with Cinema 4 D.But, I believe it costs around what photoshop is. And Mallet, I wish you could enter, you should've had Convulse do it again. The brush scribbles look amazing with the outline of the C4D's. They add alot to it that was needed. Although the scribble just to the left of the girl looks awkward. Just have it outline her. Some of the scribbles also seem too undefined for the smooth C4D's. The color scheme is awesome too, although the top-right seems off. Overall, pretty inventive use of the stock.
Interesting. I see you are bashing him unneccessarily just because he doesnt like this thread. While i do agree that the sig isnt the best, it seems as though your thoroughly rejecting his opinion just because you dont like either A. the way he has presented it or B. because it seems stupid to even have the opinion. Either way, your bashing him for no reason AND failing to give any kind of constuctive reason why the sig is so bad. For me, i just feel that everything is out of place and randomly thrown together in a mosh pit of renders, stocks, misplaced text, and C4Ds. Needs some cleaning and refining to me. And its monotone aswell. I think thats making it 10x worse.
Texas as in Tex I think xD The bg of the room seems really random and out of place. I like the c4d but the S looks really bad. Add some color, it's really bland. Try some different borders and such.
I actually like my SOTW entry this week: or a lighter version edit: It's really pissing me off that people will post threads with there sigs in it, but not ask for CnC as it's "no longer allowed". Whats the ****ing reason for doing it yet? Lord Terrax, I'm looking straight at you. Obviously you want cnc for it but you want to see your name in lights (or below the title) for CnC. Can we get tex in here and start infracting? Why the **** would anyone just post a thread with a sig in it and just say, "there it is". That's just crowding up the forum and is absolutely pointless.
This is a collab between me and Sdrakulich. He started it and I finished it. What does everyone think?
@ juggernaut I like it, but the girl needs to have a little bit less of the effect put on, it looks a little heavy
Personally, I find the C4D(?) that you used shouldn't be over the girl at all. Also, too bright at the right side. The background color really ruins it for me. Her hair just blends into the background and all I get is a creepy face looking at me... The top right and top left seem wasted. Maybe you should put some color in there or maybe just make it transparent. Also, did you use the same effect that you used for every one of your latest sigs? 'Cause if you did...