i dont get it, but the text reflection has to go, more contrast? smeeagle's is really nice but needs more in the empty spaces and perhaps photo filters
I cannot tell what that is, but the brownish looking thing in the background makes it a whole lot better, whatever it is. And the white line going through it gives it a nice aspect. I still don't like the colors that your using a lot. Theyre either too bright, or too dark...Try using like, and in between... On the first one, I like how you put the knight kninja on the sword. That's pretty sweet.
Like, The colors are better, but I still don't like em too much. Try using more colors than just different tones of green. And again, either make your font darker, or brighter. The in-between makes it unpleasant, imo. I don't like the font, at all. The effects look like soda, frozen in mid-air, I like it.
That is painful to look at. Seriously. The colors are just horrible, imo. And the black stuff on the sides is okay I guess, but doesnt make the sig any less bad... The shadow border is cool, bu the pic, and the background aren't of good quality... And, I'm being truthful here, I didn't see the writing on the right side until staring at it for a really long time...try making the font a different color than the background, like, way more different than it already is... Ooooo Those are really nice! Only advice I can give you is, fix up the font. I have to squint real hard to be able to read both of them. I actually like it a little bit. Whatever you did with the render isn't working for me though...you painted too much over him...maybe a little bit less. And guys, lets also do some cnc here. Just me isn't gonna work.
@Alby, what does it say in your sig, the one with the black guy In the bottom left corner a little bit up it says something in faded dark letters Or is that just part of the design? @Lone Deity, they whole image is complete to me because of the word cry. I like the top version better, it's sad.
So i got jealous of all of your amazing sigs and tried to make me a new one Tell me what you think and how can improve! Thanks
well the fact that you used two stocks is great. if i could say anything to help it would have to be to not make the sig so tall. for some reason it seems to stick out ttoo much. at first i thought it sucked but its ok now i see it better. maybe smudge the foreground render a little more
I never made a sig using any programme like photoshop or gimp before this is my first attempt. (although I used www.paint.net) I made it from scratch, didn't use a stock image or whatever. I used: Line tool Circle tool Text tool and Outline effect (alot lol)
Not bad... I would add some C4d's or something just to spice it up since right now it is a bit boring... :/ Decent for ur first and from scratch though so good job! =)