ehh, saw both and I think Doms is better, had what looked like a more intact hat and monitor. But frags text seems cooler cause of the way it is wrapped, than Dom's just sitting there... I might make one actually, brb! XD EDIT: Heres my go...
Pretty original and comical, but I kinda do not like the text. It reminds me of Halloween instead of Christmas. Maybe instead of A's in the word "Santa", substitute it with a christmas tree. Here's mine.
Ooh very nice, I've never thought of doing an Amory Wars sig! If I'm honest the only one I like out of the three is the Amory Wars/Claudio signature, but that might have something to do with my massive obsession with C&C. I like the lighting effects you've used and the colour/tone of the overall image. However, two things I don't like are; 1/The Keywork on Claudio's back doesn't really fit in that well and just looks randomly placed. 2/I think it would look better if the white lines you've used to border it were only 1px.
Sig 1: Two main problems that I see are the border style and the text. The border would be much better if you put it all around at 1 pixal. The text is too dark and I only just noticed that you wrote Cort under Fallen Angel. Other then that, you need to find a way to make the angel stand out a little more and you've got a great sig. Sig 2: I love this one. The problems in it are the same as in the one before. The text is hard to see, easier then the last one, and the border would be better going all around the sig and black. Sig 3: Again, the text for Cort is really hard to see and I only noticed this when looking at the zombies(?) But other then that, it very well done and the border is not a problem here. First of all, for a first sig, try not to do a tech sig. Tech sigs are very hard to make good. But, as a first sig, it's not bad. Your no. 1 issue is that the sig is cluttered. In tech sigs, you have t imagine that you're looking at the render through a lens and the lens gives you all relavant info in a nice organised fashion. As it is, lines are going over each other and text is as well. Maybe shrink 'Roche178' and make one of those lines leading or underlining the text and it's pointed at the guy. The serial bar at the bottom has got to go. And everything else needs to be reorganised. Other then that, nice color choices but whatever is causing the white in the background has to go.
Took a lot of work. Couldn't figure out what to do, and how to do, this. I did it differently than my SOTW entry. From now on, this is my logo, though the picture will look different depending on what I want it to be.
I'm sorry but it just looks like you clipping masked a picture onto a bunch of shapes. If there is more please do tell. I'm probably missing something big but I don't know. CnC please?
Just a rating would be nice. And no, I didn't use clipping. Yours is nice, but it looks a little pixelated. The attention seems to be drawn to far to the left, and the text is almost impossible to see. The border seems a bit too small, but probably couldn't do any good bigger. Otherwise it's great.
Oh sorry, for what you were going for I'd give it a 5/5. Maybe for an actual sig like a 3/5 for originality. If not clipping masks then what? And I didn't want you to pay too much attention to the text . It's my birthday tomorrow and I wanted to do something... happy.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Text should be hard to see, it should take you a second of focusing to see it. The text is not the main part of your art, it should be secondary to everything else. It is only there to denote a title and the fact that it was you who made the signature. It should be small and partially hidden so as not to interfere with the art you've created. As for the borders, both of them fit very well. I love this border style because it adds a sort of cinematic feel, as well as allowing the mind to see the image as never ending, instead of being boxed it. With openings on the side, it stimulates the imagination and provokes thought.
The render is blotchy as ****. Try putting a blur overlay/hard light or something over it. I'm not a big fan of the gun blast, but overall it's too big. If you are going to do a pop-out then you need to find a way to accentuate the actual render, or else it just looks like a cut out. V2 is awful. Scratch that and work on V1 again.
Haha, well I'm just going to delete those both. It was one of those pics were you can't undo anything.
What's so great about it? It's a little bit of square looking splatter brushes with some marquee text. Nothing spectacular.
I think its alright, but it could definetly be better.. it really doesnt show the true potential of LD