Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    First of all, you need to make the border stand out a bit.

    Likewise on the text.

    On the actual sig though, the effect you made is good but it doen't match the render to well. The effect would be better on a person as it looks more like wings you'd find on an angel rather then a dragon.

    You might want to make it shorter, length wise. The way it is now makes it have a lot of open space. Which, isn't good for sigs.

    The effect idea is okay but what makes the effect horrible is the expression on the Castle Crashers. They have a menacing look and wavy effects doen't seem very menacing, does it?

    Black and white is an extremly, extremly bad idea for anything to do with sci fi. Sci Fi is not black and white. It's white, grey, blue and anything on the cold side of colors.

    There is no border.

    The text has gotta' go.

    The background is desert like while Halo is more about beach. forest and Sci Fi places.

    Criticising is going to have opinion any way, in his case, he's right.

    More cnc for anything is great. Even if there is cnc already given, give more.

    Things wrong with is that it has no border, too much empty space, too big and the background is obviously the render distorted etc.

    Again, text has gotta' go.

    The best one so far, although that's not saying much.

    Eitheir way, it needs a border and it needs more wow.

    Background is horrible.

    No border and has the same problem as the last one.

    1. Spell everything out fully. You have a keyboard and many people can type that in seconds.

    2. Then criticise.

    3. shut up.
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    alright well I just made my second ever sig... so I know it isn't great, but please CnC... also, I don't know how to make a border, if anyone could help me there... thanks! XD

  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Photoshop or GIMP?

    I think you should start over.

    You don't need the front Yoda.

    The zig zag detracts from the sig.

    The border is horrible.

    'Piggle' is in the wrong color for the sig.

    Background should be more green then black.
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    and ok I see what you mean... Ill edit and see how it goes. Cause I didnt know how to make a real border, I tried painting a fading thing in, but yea that didnt work. And the only reason Pigglez is in pink is because thats just how I wanted it, and the background is actually a dark green, not black, but I see how its easy to be confused...
  5. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Easy to make a border.

    Make a new layer.

    Then go to SELECT>SELECT ALL.

    Next go to EDIT>STROKE>OK.

    If you want, before you stroke, you can select the color you want.

    That should work for you.
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    ok cool thanks, Ill go make a new sig using your tips and try out the border thing. XD
  7. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    cnc my rainbow


    btw: everything on this page 73 is awful from this post up.

    the average rating would be a 2.3/10
  8. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Well there isn't really that much I can say about it..It's graffiti writing with a rainbow overlay (I assume)
    I can't see that it took that much time, even if it wasn't just as simple as typing that and overlaying the rainbow.

    Could you CNC these please :)

    I'm aware the top of the hair isn't cut out nicely, I'm planning on fixing that up soon



  9. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    they look nice mostly.

    In the first one, besides the hair I think its blurred too much in the background imo. And I dont like the font.

    In the second one, the font is ok, not great. Thats all I can say...

    Here are two more from me.
    This one I made for my little sister, so thats why it says Nikki and the font sucks and all... so ignoring the font, what do you think of the rest of the sig?


    and here is one I just made of Charmandar and Charizard...


    I think its my personal best so far, plus, I figured out how to make a border finally lol...
  10. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    The first sig is bad, the BG doesnt match the renders at all. Their are no effects either.

    The second is okay but very bright and you can't make out what is to the right of the charmander.

    CnC please
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You hit my pet peeve of sigs.

    Band sigs... I'll just say this, any kind of sig that has the person using a guitar or mike instantly ruins the render.

    When I see someone holding the guitar or near a mike, I expect to hear sound, wether good or bad, but in a sig you hear neitheir.

    Other then that, color would make it better.

    Way too big and boring.

    Cut down on the size.

    Erase everything that's under, or over, the render.

    It needs a hell of a lot less dark colors. That is all.

    The Chars are supposed to be red, gold or black. Depending how lucky you are.

    Other then that, cut down on the brightness on the right.

    1 pixal border is all you need unless you are going for something fancy.

    2 things.

    1. 1 pixal border is all you need.

    2. Erase everything under and over the 1up.
  12. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I couldn't tell there was a Charmander or a Charizard. It really just looks like a random clash of colors, and the border sets the picture off as well.

    I suggest you reset the colors completely. Everything else is fine, or I can't find anything else to criticize to about the pic, because I can't find it. I'll rate it later.
  13. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Thanks all for the CnC... XD

    Here is yet another one I made just now. It continues a pokemon theme I guess...

  14. E93

    E93 Guest

    Much better than the other ones you've made. What I'd advise you to do, is try cleaning up the renders a
    Little bit more. But its a huge improvement from the other ones you've made.
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Much better, but there is still quite a few problems.

    If you look closely, you'll see that you forgot to erase a white space right by Mewtwo's head. The pokemon are pixalated, showing white spots all over the outside of the body where you cut. The colors do not match, and the effect of the pokeball you're trying to do isn't as great as it could be. The background is a bit messy also.

    I suggest you don't make the pokeball transparent, but instead brighten it up.

    Senior Member

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  17. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Looks very good. I love how the tiger fades into black and white, very nice effect and done well. It looks like the tongue could have been cut better, or maybe its just the way the tiger is posing, but it seems off.

    The font is nice, nothing bad, so I think it works, plus, the coloring fits with the tigers eyes.

    However after that it becomes very plain, just a fading from white to black. I just personally like space to be filled up more. Overall, 7/10. Nice sig though, I like it. XD

    Heres one by me. Its my first ever sig made on Photoshop, having recently gotten it. Couldn't really figure out the controls and such yet, but I don't think it is too bad...


    EDIT: Just noticed how the border doesnt show up well in oldschool, so to see it better switch to FH X...

    Senior Member

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    What do you mean cut? It's not a render, it's a straight up picture of a tiger.

    I think you are getting better. One thing to watch out for though is that whatever it is on the right is drawing attention away from the focal. And fix the text.
  19. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I never did get any CnC on this when I posted it the first time. What do you guiz think?
  20. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Its done nice, but I dont like it, just not my kind of sig style...

    however, I like the elegant, curved background, and the splash beneath her. The text also actually fits here imo, it just works, with the glow and all. Not my style, but it is done well. :)

    alright well continuing my testing of Photoshop, I made my first Photoshop pop out... Somewhat plain imo, but what do you guys think?

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