Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like it its a bit large though

    EDIT: we are half way to 1000 posts lol

    here is my SOTW entry
  2. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    teerav that looks nice. One question tho... what did you do other than paste a c4d. Just wondering.
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    we have entered the zero hours... and farcry 2 is coming out in like an hour!!! alright give me lots of CnC

    oh and the font- he wanted it that way.
  4. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well the c4d is set to overlay, there is a little smudging, but there wasn't that much that needed to be done other than that.
  5. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    which one?




    CnC? :)
  6. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    once again mine was ignored.

    And huntar, once again work on your lighting, text, and background. you have blending down pretty well. for lighting, you can take large circular brushes with 0% hardness (assuming you are using photoshop) and place it so that it looks like a light source. of course, you will have to do something to the brush so it doesnt just look like a big white dot. to do this you could lower the opacity or change the layer settings to overlay or soft light.

    Text, once again try making it smaller or setting it to overlay, or blending it in some other way.

    background, once again try for something less abstract. maybe place the one you have now over it, but not fully opaque, so that you can see a ruined building or something in the background
  7. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    aight. yeh im not an expert like you :D (not being rude) I use teh GIMP because we dont have PS. :/

    Oh and btw, i really like this! A tacoBell is a good friend and its very cool to see something so spectacular for him :) The only bad thing i see here is that its pretty hard to see whats in the sig. (is it a beast and a sourcerer or something? :D) Although it could be im very tierd. Other than that it looks very good! Im in love with the background colors and texture! Someday i wish to learn your ways :D but yeh, very very nice!
  8. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    thanks.. heres an updated version i made. he wanted to see the wing darker so it was easier to make out.. i think i did it pretty well, especially since the wing wasnt that dark in the beginning
  9. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Sorry don't have time for a big review i just thought i'd say that the v3 is deffinately best. It's overall darker, which goes with the style of the sig. The other 2 versions are either too bright, or too covered. So v3 is the best IMO.
    Good sig, looks like you put a lot of work into it, 3.5/5
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    uhh se7ensam did you even see my post?? and anyways i made yet another version so its ok. i smudged the robe a little more into the darkness and threw in my sign.

  11. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    haha guess not. I had to stare at both sigs for a while but noa i see the differences. This one gives it a darker feel because of back right. Looks good! and your symbol in the upper left looks cool to, It goes with the colors. overall this one makes it feel.... whole :D
  12. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    That is my sig yeaaa and huntaro don't I know you? Also all these sigs look great.
  13. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes. Kemoshots?....

  14. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    what do you guys think? its my SOTW entry
  15. Hari

    Hari Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its a little plain......and undercomplicated. Its just a few gradients and colors with some text. Normally i really like your sigs, but i'm not a fan of this one.

    CNC mah new (TERRIBLE) sig plox.
  16. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Compliments: I really like this sig. I'm not sure what the criteria is for the SOTW so I can't tell you if it's fitting and what not. It looks like you're peeling something back, and revealing something elegant and wonderful. It Also feel almost like it's shining through all of the layers blocking it. I personally like this signature a lot more than some of your other ones. I've noticed that you've switched your style up lately and I admit that I do like it.

    Criticism: I don't see a border, I don't think lol. If so it's a 1px black one. But i'd suggest getting a 2px white one. Also, The teal and red colours directly above the tag don't fit in with the sig. The colour is to...coarse. The rest of the colours are very smooth and compliment eachotehr. The colour itself is fine, i'd jsut make it look smooth like you did with the other colours. I agree that the sig looks a little plain, but thats the look you were going for. It's colourful though, so the plain-ness compliments the style. Oh and something I just noticed was like the heart, arrow thing near the bottom right. I'd get rid of that, It disrupts the flow of the sig.

    Solid sig, 4/5 (just make sure you fix the teal and red, it takes away a lot).

    PS: Sorry I skipped over your last sig, I saw the first one, then just quoted and posted my CnC for it.

    Compliments: The colours are all similar, and warm, so they do compliment eachother. I like the ripple effect you used in the backround, it looks like flames and goes well with his explosion. I also like the overlayed tag, and the position of it. The smuding on the arms is good because it goes with teh fire, and the blurriness that occurs when you try to look through fire.

    Criticism: I don't really like the border much. It doesn't look that good becaues of the different colours, it gives it a sketchy and crooked look. I'd recomend making it a solid black line, and making it a widescreen border. It would compliment your sig because it is a general wider sig. I also think that the face is too sharp, while the rest of the sig is a little blurred. I would suggest just unblurring the arms, then just making random vertical blur streaks across his body (a little on the face, not much though), to simulate him being by fire. I would also recomond adding a layer mask clipping mask using Sparks, it would help with the explosive feel.

    Pretty good sig, 3/5.
  17. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    um what heart and arrow? lol i didnt put one in there..
  18. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    getting anybetter KK? :D

    Cnc :p
  19. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah your getting better. much better. first off, the size is good finally lol

    the smaller text is alot better too. i like that..

    in this one though, you didnt blend the render with the background at all.. not that there is much to blend to. your still having trouble with BG's... try finding cool ruined city stocks, or simply take a large version of your render and smudge it everywhere-kinda like mine. of course that only works with certain smudge settings..

    the lighting is doing better too. maybe a little less light patches on the right and just a tiny bit more on the left.

    oh and i forgot but throw in a border. like 1 or 2 px black border or something.
  20. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    looks good, main things to improved were all stated by knight. Blend in render and stuff. But about the border. It doesnt need one. Borders are all just opinion and style. If you like it you put one in, if you dont, you dont. XD

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