hold on lemme find a good one that might look cool EDIT: if you used this image and changed the color of it through the hue/saturation edit tool, you might be able to work it into something cool.. idk what else might work. this one is sota full though so idk. Here is the planetrenders page, as the above one is the viewer. does the image work?
I really like the Avatar. Nice lighting and text. I like the top one better though because of the faint lines. My new one!
oh.. my... god... that is amazing. seriously. i love it. it is perfect.. i seriously love it lol...... anyways criticism i have only one. the lighting. you have most of the light source on right/center on top of it. in the picture it seems to come from slightly further to the left. that is an amazing signature otherwise. idk how to make it better. WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!
i like the way this looks. Render is blended nicely into the background, and nice oversharpened effect. Looks nice!
Love meh Timeshift Weird borders, amirite? I was going for something original and I'm liking the last one bestest Cnc, please?
This one is teh bestest. All of the other one's had the same thing, except this one. This by far has the best border line. Other than that, this was made pretty well. I like the background, the color blends perfectly, and the c4d (if there is one in there) is wonderful. Good job. 5/5.
1 pixal unless your trying to do something fancy. Sorry I couldn't respond earlier. I've been busy lately.
This one is best. Make the border and lines have less opacity tho. Other than that, i REALLY like ur sig!
http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm162/L0CKdownN/T10.png CnC plox? I will review one later, just wanted to post this real quick...
a t-shirt huh? wow thats pretty sweet... how did you vector it? anyways i like it alot, although the shading makes it look a little weird. idk really how to critisize it lol.. it looks sweet EDIT: oh and maybe not have those little dark/light purple blocks. i like it a solider colour
Looks like all you did was overlay a paintbrush design. The text lacks depth. It appears to have just been pasted over the pic which is exactly what happened.
Kninja im not digging the cover becuase it is a little hard to read. also people are posting sigs outside of here so is it ok to do that now? and here is my latest sig its of me with an edited verion of the halo 3 recon cloud and storm background
personally i dont like the size.. and jw but is that actually you in the sig? i dont really like those, and this one alsomost makes it looka like a myspace pic thing... also, try do the lighting better. you got the mist clouds right but try placing some light sources over his right shoulder. Heres my newest. i havent made a good sig in forever so i think this one is alright