Personaly I think the drop shadow looks cool, and a good sig doesn't necsisarly need effects. Thanks for the Cnc everyone!
Actually cool, i really like the drop shadow too, i dontsee anything wrong with it, and i think its your best to date too, just like terrax.
I like that one the best. The black and white ones for some reason dont attract my attention, in general. The font looks great on that. I mean, like, not the Iron Maiden font, but the colors and it's 3d-ness, if you know what I mean. I don't like the render too much though. Sig itself is much better than the render. Roots look completely fake, and the tree itself just looks weird. The background is okay, but everything else is pretty boring.
I don't really like it... The BG is way to basic for you and the render is too dark for the BG... I guess it's a shadowish thing but still a bit too much contrast. The smudging looks decent but I've seen u do better... Nice sig anyway. =)
We know you love the pen tool, but most of the time over-usage looks really bad. Kind of generic you know? The wrinkled look is alright but doesn't match megaman.
True dat... Anyway the laser looks out of place and off center w/ his blaster thingy. Also I really like the wrinkle effect but not so much w/ this sig... =)
The smudging is pretty bad... The brushes you used to paint over him are pretty bad too... And the font, is just terrible. I'd suggest revisiting deviantart He looks way to scary. The S looks nice. I like the paper eggect, and how the megaman's all pixelated and such.
The composition is great, although the C4D on the left looks....misplaced. The lines by the text are great, except I see some by his chin. It's pretty easy to notice. Altogether, I love your new style.
This is a good example of why I hate G&A. 3 things: 1, I personally suck @ this stuff, and am willing to admit that. 2, Why does everyone say **** about everyone else's signatures, that is so...critical? I mean, that person took at least a good hour or two of their life to put into that sig, and people all over G&A always make comments like the one I just quoted. 3, Do people feel that insulting another sig so, makes their sig instantly 10 times better? Because that's how you all make it seem. "It's boring" This is CnC...Telling someone that their sig is boring...Does not help them out. Your post may as well be spam.
We are critical so we can improve. If people gave all your maps blind praise, you would never improve. So each of us gives a tid bit of advice, or what we didn't like. You assume they liked the rest.