Units of Halo Wars

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xFr1ct10nx, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    I havent been to the Halo Wars Official website in a long time. I used to go there all the time too. So today I went there and they finaly have the Units of the game up there...or at leats some of them. So I thought i would be nice and post the Units so far for those of you who are too lazy to go there on thier own.

    Units of Halo Wars

    UNSC Firebase-

    The UNSC firebase combines the needs of a tactical communication command center and expansion into both a barrack and a production facility capable of assembling combat vehicles. This building from what I know of is capable of producing a Warthog and reactor.

    Warthog-Even the most minimal of firebases is able to produce the warthog, and for good reason.

    Reactor-Power is everything. A UNSC firebase is powered by a small hydrogen reactor which allows it to operate some pretty sophisticated systems.

    UNSC Vehicle Depot-

    A Vehicle Depot contains the heavy equipment and crew to assemble vehicle kits. Hydraulic cranes serve as the muscle to move everything from Cobra chassis, Scorpion armored plates, and the impressive selection of weaponry that these vehicles can bring to bear.

    Scorpion Tank-M808B Main Battle Tank (MBT)
    The Scorpion Main Battle Tank is a mainstay of UNSC forces.

    Wolverine-Wolverine – MAA-9 Wolverine(MBT)
    Wolverine is a fast moving maneuverable anti-air vehicle.

    UNSC Airpad-

    Air superiority can be of vital importance, not only for intelligence gathering but also for tactical strikes at your enemy’s weak points. A UNSC Airpad is a surprisingly sophisticated structure that not only houses the maintenance crews required to refit, repair, and rearm Hornets, it also houses banks of simulation pods to train pilots in everything from the basics to advanced tactical maneuvers.

    Hornet-Hornet - Attack VTOL-14
    These single-seat support aircraft are tremendously versatile.

    UNSC Barracks-

    This is no UNSC academy. The Barracks is a rustic shack compared to the comforts of a real training center, but then again a Marine in the field isn’t generally thinking about creature comforts. They make you soft.

    Marines- “Boots on the ground.”
    The backbone of UNSC ground forces is the Marine.

    Flamethrowers- “Hellbringers”
    These specialized Marines are outfitted with a Napalm spewing NA4 Flamethrower.

    There have are other possible vehicles that i know of called: cougars, rhinos, sparrowhawks, albatrossess, black cats, long swords, shortswords.

    I still am not sure if you will be able to be the covanent. I have a feeling you wont because they havent put anything up about them yet and the game comes out in about 4 or 5 months.

    I will try to keep up to date on this. If you go to halowars.com one day and find something new that I havent put on here yet, just pm me.

    Sources: halowars.com and halopedia.com

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