Unit 7 Camping on the turret gone wrong. My first submission to Forgehub and my first map with interlocking. However that doesn't mean this is my first map entirely, I know how to make a good map. Some of the interlocking is rough but it still serves Its purpose. Downloading game type is optional, I put needlers as your secondary because they can kill someone in 2 seconds flat or barley put any damage if used incorrectly. There is a hidden sentinal beam on the map that spawns once. Re-spawns are well built and nearly impossible to camp on. Having 4 re-spawn areas and only 4 players per team camping can only occur when the whole team coordinates it. I have done some edits to the map after these screenshots were taken. Map varies slightly from pics. Map http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=68734610 Game http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=68734971 Rocket Spawn Shotgun Death lurking above the invisible. Man Cannon 1 Very fun to use, lands you 5 feet away from the sniper re-spawn/camp. Sniper Camp Shoot the fusion coils as they come up the elevator. Face Off Well timed battle between rocket and sniper- anyone can win. Elevator Because this was the original purpose of the map the elevator is foolproof and impossible to get stuck in or go downwards in. Side Climb A sneaky way of getting on to the main building. New feature added to maximize use of Foundrys space I made this map so you guys could have an entertaining custom game. Thanks for downloading.
It looks pretty good. Question though does the rocket launcher spawn behind one of the shield doors? Because that would be way too campable. Oh and does side 1 just not have anything in it? Overall though I like it.
The rocket spawn looks much different. the team the spawns near it takes 12 seconds to get to it The team that gets the sniper takes 15 No shield doors anymore I placed a sign on the sniper camp so a player can fire a rocket at the sniper sign and kill the sniper however conveniently the rocket takes three seconds to reach the sign resulting in an awesomeness fight