Unisect made by Federaltag Description.... This map was originally supposed to be my tower of power v2. but during the process I couldn't follow my original drawings and my mind took me to a different place. I put one main tower and the stairs winding up the back of tower. At the top of the stairs is a chute that goes back down to the main level. The chute is there because it is a fun way to get down and because the stairs are not so wide so if a grenade is thrown and you need to get out of there there is a quick escape. The rest of the map is pretty simple designs but also proved to be fun. There is a side hallway with a bunker carved into the side. There is a small little tower which can help you take cover. The canal has a teleporter under the bridge which sends you to a man launcher. The man launcher(tele. launch) lands you on a small platform in the air. In all this took only about 11-12 hours(Most of the time tearing down and rebuilding). This map is set for King of the Hill, CTF, and Slayer. Great for swords and shotguns.(HAD A BLAST) Number of people should be from 1v1-3v3 Story: This facility was once used by the marines to work on the new spartan's combat skills and thinking strategy. This was set up to see who has advance teamwork skills and yet also is a great independent fighter. Layout of Unisect- Overviews with some walls gone Walls up Corner View Side of tower Front View Under Tower Middle of stairs Top of stairs and chute Coming Down Looking up chute Tele-launch Canal and tele view from tower left side of bunker hall Inside bunker Action Download Unisect
hmm your forging looks a little messy.. at least on the tower. but you shoul add an overview pic because i didnt really get to see much of the map. or maybe i did and thats it?? good concept though
i thought the interlocking was great nice idea too, but you should get an overview picture, i have no idea what the place looks like, or what the layout is. your pictures are very cluttered but it looks playable with some cool features, i like the slide part too. nice map 4.5/5 get a overview picture and it'll def be a 5
Yea the chute was a great idea and now people are making really good tower of powers so i dont no which ones to play on
NIce interlocking and a great post, I would like to see an overview of the map so I can get a better picture.
looks like a very different kind 0f map (that is a good thing in this case) to be exact this map looks to be great for cqc
This map looks awesome. Your interlocking is superb and some of the design elements in the map are really creative. A DL for me fo sho. =]