Vendetta Films Presents: Phresh, A Halo 3 Montage Gameplay by Wafflebrains and Elite C56 Edited by Orphanslayer Well it took me for f..king EVER to finish this montage. I've been working on it for over 4 months now, mainly due to capturing tons and tons of angles, some that I didn't even use, and taking some short breaks from editing. I had a lot of motivation struggles throughout editing this tage, and I'm really glad to be finally releasing it. The gameplay is AMAZING and UNIQUE and I love it. I hope you do too. This montage was meant to be enjoyable, and I really hope everyone enjoys it Thank you so much to Wafflebrains and Elite C56 for being the most patient people ever, especially Wafflebrains, because you're a really awesome guy. I didn't get to talk to Elite as much as I would have liked. Either way, you guys are awesome. - Orphanslayer Orphanslayer - YouTube - YCCFilms's Channel‏ Vendetta Films - YouTube - aVendettaFilm's Channel‏ Wafflebrains - YouTube - halowafflebrains's Channel‏ Elite C56 - YouTube - EliteC56's Channel‏ SOUNDTRACK: - Explosions in the Sky, Your Hand in Mine - Band of Horses, Funeral - God is an Astronaut, Remembrance Day I HAD TO CHANGE THE AUDIO PITCH DUE TO YOUTUBE COPYRIGHT BUT I HAVE A DOWNLOAD LINK TO BOTH THE YOUTUBE-ABLE, PITCH CHANGED VERSION AND THE NORMAL, UNEDITED AUDIO VERSION. V1 (no pitch change, I recommend DLing this one if you do not plan to upload this video to a youtube channel) DOWNLOAD V2 (pitch change, pretty much only DL this one if you want to upload this montage to your channel for some reason) DOWNLOAD YouTube - Phresh - A Halo 3 Montage :: Gameplay by Wafflebrains and Elite C56 - Edited by Orphanslayer‏ Thanks for Watching!