Unification 2-14 Players Link To Bungie Forum Post ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gametypes Supported: Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, One Bomb, Multi Bomb, King of The Hill, Oddball Unification is a great Foundry built map. It consists of two bases: one blue team, and one red team. Blue team base consist of a three level structure. First level is a one way room that is perfect for holding the fort. Weapons on second level:Shotgun. The second has a grav lift that leads to an awesome sniper window. Has a teleporter that is placed in a great postion but not to hidden. Weapons on first level: BR, Plasma Grenade, and Spiker. Third level is a flat open surface with a man hole, and extensions. Weapons:sniper rifle, and turret. Their is a three way entrance hallway that contains an over sheild. Their is also a room that I like to call the sheild room or AKA(Noob Room). Weapons contained;plasma greande, and Rocket Launcher. Red team base consists of one room with grav lift that leads to another sniper window or a turret. On one side of the map is a stairwell/platform structure that with three levels. Weapons; Spartan Laser, and Beam Rifle. In the center of the map is a Gravity Hammer, open cargo box with Mauler, and Plasma Grenade inside, and a Plasma Sword on top. A single cargo box with a shotgun leaning up against it. Other weapons on map;Needler, Covenant Carbine, Magnum, Spike Grenade, and Frag Grenade. Images Three Entrance Hallway Red Base Blue Base Level One Blue base level two Blue base level three Stairwell/Platform Structure Sheild room AKA (Noob Room) Center of Map Hope you enjoy playing the map, come back for more, and please send feedback or tips. FORGE ON!!!
Nice structures. Can't see much of red base though. I'm going to queue it to have a look and play around.
Good work on the design, I feel though that there should be a mongoose or something on the ground the help people who spawn on the ground floor get to cover/structures faster. Good work though.
Maybe it's just me but usually when you come across a map where the OP has written "It's a great map" they more then often seem to end up not to great at all. I will edit later when I've had the chance to test it out. EDIT. Your basic map layout is actually really good, I often found myself running around finding new alleyways and walkways. However, the map suffers from good aesthetics. You could have done soo much better if you just had waited a day or two and cleaned it up a bit. For example, you've interlocked two stairs to make a wider staircase, one of the staircases isn't even with the ground and thus makes the dual-staircase look crooked. When it comes to weapons I have to say that there doesn't seem to be any thought of balance at all, sorry. Powerweapons should be located in places where it offers a risk to take them, but they should be worth that risk. And when you place weapons of all kind you should always ask yourself "Does it make sense in having this weapon here?". For example, who in their right mind would place a shotty on the laserspawn on Valhalla? Or a sniper where the Active Camo spawns on Epitaph?. You probably get where I'm heading at. I like the fact that you've placed a variety of weapons on the map, there's 3 CC-weapons (Shotty etc.) and 3 LR-weapons (Sniper etc.) at the players disposal. You should try to spread them apart a bit though. For example, if two guys run into the middle and one of them go for the hammer and the other goes for the sword, then the sword guy will have the upper hand due to height advantage and the fact that they are close enough to each other to engage in a melee-battle. I see that you've placed alot of respawnpoints which is a good thing, but all of them aren't good though. When you've placed starting/spawnpoints you should always walk up to each and every one of them and look in the way they are facing, that way you get to see what a respawned player gets to see. When you have died you want to know exactly where you are and where you could be heading immediately when you respawn. In other words, you probably don't want to spawn facing a wall right in front of you. I couldn't identify any startingpoints or any use of spawnareas, how come? Didn't you place any? Keep working hard and before you know it maybe you could be one of the guilders here on FH . Practice makes perfect! :squirrel_hug:
I want to thank everyone for their tips and pointers. I mainly want to thank Gorebound though because he gave a very detailed feedback with lots of good tips. I will take them in conciteration for they could be very helpful. Thanks once again and hope you enjoy the map. I will do an update soon.
The only problem I have is this map is that picture. Put a double box under the bride and under the stairs with the bottom facing out. It makes it look like they are lying on a ledge.
Really nice interlocking, it makes me wish that my box wasn't broken. This is the kind of origanality that we need.
Thanks for all the positve relpys catch you all later. Given the fact that the sheild room and the bridge structure are already close together adding another box in there would cause it to be to cluttered and it would block off the room availability. Unification has now been updated. The weapons have been spread evenly throughout the map. Their has been one extra corridor added without changing the overall layout of the map, and sword has been moved to a new spot. So the map pretty much still looks the same but plays differently now. If pictures is needed to be better pleased; just ask and i will uploaded. This is the new link for the Unification Bungie forum post. The old link has messed up. *Do not ever multipost again, just edit your pre-existing post, this isn't bungie there is no need for bumping.
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