This pictue was staged and also funny. But I couldnt choose both so here is my pic. I hope you like it. If you could give me some Ideas or suggestions on a new pic, then your granted cuz i need some picture making help.
Hey buddy, next time post all your pics in one thread. You're bumping all the other threads to the bottom. It's not really that funny, and its been done before hundreds of times.
its meh, because of the location. The background stinks, so it really looks staged. Check out the one in my fileshare, Unicorn-Elite. It's not staged, and its got a decent angle with some good lightling on the characters too...
This screenshot would have been a lot more funnier if it wasn't staged. Anybody can go on foundry and stick someone in the head with a spike grenade. Nothing new here, this has been done hundreds of times, not even being over dramatic. Try something new, surprise people.
yeah, as said above, this has been done way too many times, and isnt that hilarious, well if you did this again, do it in a different map, and try a different backround for the pic, make it a little more special