Weapons_ 6 Assualt Rifles 6 Battle Rifles 1 shotgun 1 sniper 2 smg's 2 spiker's 1 plasma pistol 1 magnum 2 plasma rifles 2 needler's 1 rocket launcher 1 spartan laser 1 energy sword 2 covent carbines 1 mauler 1 machine gun 1 flamethrower Equipment_ 5 frag grenades 9 plasma grenades 5 spike grenades 1 fire bomb 1 bubble shield 1 power drain 1 grav lift 1 raddar jammer 1 over shield 1 invisible shield 1 custom power Vehicles_ 1 mongoose 1 ghost Screen Shots over view of map over view of Base 'B' behind base 'A' rocket spawn pallets standing up, actually pretty hard to beak through stairway to get up to base 'A' top of the 'A' base man cannon to get to top of base 'A' here is the top of were the cannon man brings u energy sword/ invis spawn Jump way to get to 2nd level of base 'A' mongoose spawn/ right out side base 'A; ghost spawn ( under base 'B') bridge to get to base 'B' over view of base 'A' view of ground of base 'A' DOWNLOAD MAP_ Unfounded this map was half made by plzz note this map was not intierally made by me, lets just say.. i pimmped it out, and i will not take full credit for this map. thank u =)
I like your tall open layout, but you have waaaay too many power weapons on this map, you should think of reducing it. Also invis + sword at same place = not fun game 3/5
I love the forging and the feel of this map, but like the guy above me said it looks like there are WAYYYY to many power weapons. Get rid of some.