Sandbox Unforgiven

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by centurionomegai, May 6, 2009.

  1. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    looks very accurate from what I can see, but what do you mean by 'Removed level on Red base - unbalanced'? surely if it was there in the original it should still be there? or is this more your re-imagination and a direct remake? and also, the catwalk that leads into red base looks a little uneven...

    also, imo, if you can afford it, the trench should slope in and out, not have to jump out, it just gets tedious. other than that v. good.
    4/5 DL from me
    #41 ONeill117, Sep 2, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  2. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    Because the crypt is a smaller area than the enclosed space of either Hang 'Em High or Tombstone, the additional height of another level on Red Base would make the base be very domineering over Blue base and all approaches to it. In regards to the trench, I originally intended to slope the sides inward, but I ran out of budget before that could even be looked into.
  3. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    PROBLEM: It seems there is 1 Ramp, Large that is on the map without actually being on the map. Is there anyway to fix this without starting from scratch?
  4. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    you sure? because i can see a ramp large on the left of blue base, under that corner wall in your pics. have you updated that area lately?
  5. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    Um, no. But thanks for failing at being condescending.

    There are 4 ramps that I am using but a 5th that I am not which is not appearing on the map even with all other objects deleted.
  6. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    i wasn't trying to be condescending, i was just asking if you had made an honest mistake or if the pictures weren't updated. and it sounded like you said there weren't any ramps on the map at all. my mistake there.

    maybe a ramp got pushed out of the map geometry. you know, it was interlocked with something, you accidentally select it, it gets pushed out, and maybe it didn't disappear from the budget for some reason. I've done that before but it always disappears. it's not likely, but it's possible.
    #46 Decadence Night, Sep 10, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2009
  7. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    Okay, I apologize as I was a bit ambiguous myself. It has stayed for almost a dozen saves, and I have inspected every square of the crypt and main level in case it was barely exposed, no joy. Walls look clear as well. I could really use that budget to fill holes that bombs/skulls can fall through. I figured it was probably out of the level, but was wondering if there was a known trick to fix that.
  8. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    yeah i know exactly what you mean. on a side note. i'm very impressed with how you've improved your map over the past few versions. it's much smoother, and more accurate to the original. great job. there's only one major problem i have. you should be able to jump from the sword to the sniper and back. all you need to do is extend the sniper tower back with a column, move the tower just a little to the left, and rotate it slightly. Hang 'em High isn't like that, but Tombstone is and I know this is more of a tombstone remake.
  9. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    Actually the crane has already been moved and extended. It is now possible to jump from sword to crane, and not back. That was intentional. Thank you for the compliments, I have been putting a lot of work into this map.
  10. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    really? i downloaded 2.4 and i didn't notice. i'll run through it again tonight. and you could jump back in the original if i remember right. but i guess it doesn't matter since you can jump onto the catwalk anyway.

    and the work shows. i had my remake tested recently and i'll be going back to it soon to make improvements. i just needed a break. i started that thing in April and it's still not 100% done.
  11. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    No, its the unreleased version of 2.5, a few things need to be finished before I put it out, and there are a lot of improvements in it.
  12. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    sweet. can't wait
  13. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    seems like a good map.. is it assymetrical or symetrical i cant tell..
  14. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    The new version of Unforgiven is now up, links updated. Because this feels like a new level with the changes done, I have decided it will be version 3.0. Updated photos are coming soon. New gameplay videos will be uploaded soon and linked as well.
    Barring any unforeseen problems I plan on making variations of this map for MLG, Snipers, and maybe a classic weapons set.

  15. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    awesome. can't wait to see the changes.

    I just thought of something. have you taken this to the Tester's Guild? If you haven't, you definitely should. They helped me make my map 10 times better than what it was. If you don't think there's anything else you can do, have it tested, you'll be surprised.
  16. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    it seems that that link was wrong. I accidentally linked it to a file I accidentally uploaded before I had finished going over it. The link has now been updated with the correct file.

    I've joined the Testers guild and tried to get a group together to play but it never actually happened. Most of the testers I use are high levels and really push the map and reveal what is and is not possible. for a little bit I had the problem that a few jumps were harder than they should have been because we were all able to make them easily. But I'm still up to test it out with them if I ever get the time. But with how many hours I've put into it, testing it, and having others try and break it I think we have hammered out any important problems. There are still a few places where grenades will fall out and a couple of minor bumps, but that is about it.
    #56 centurionomegai, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is amazing and the epic forgeing definitely makes this one of the best remakes I have seen.
    Keep up the good forgeing!!!
  18. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    New screenshots are now up.

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