Please my name gamertag is Federaltag and I am looking for help on my next raceway. It will be called torquev2 unless a patner/s wants to alter it(I will take under consideration) If you HONESTLY think you can help or you have any ideas i could use I would appreciate it greatly and yes I would give you credit. Please message me and please no spam. I would rather want Ideas since I usually work alone. So far Iv'e got this... Please message me over via xbox or on
You posted in the wrong section. If the map is not ready to download and play, do not post in the maps section.
My GT is GD BlueDevil and I would gladly help you! I know all the forge tequniques just looks at the map SpaceAge v2 in my signature. If you are interested send me a friend request! BTW this belongs in forge descussion or customer service or someting.
Zanders is correct. you shouldnt post a map under construction. Even thought it looks fun and the interlocking is cool. but again, dont post maps under construction. 4/5. keep forging
this looks like a really interesting race map with a unique design. i really like the look of it can't wait till you finish!
Tru this looks awesome but this should be posted in a different section. Could a moderator move this?
doesn't look to fun And you didn't really put enough pics to help me get a feel for the map. 2 out of 5