Unfinished V2.3 TinyIslandProductions Supported Gametypes: Rollin Note: This Map Is TinyIslandProduction Map , visit our site Here Map Description Hello People Of The Earth and beyond!!! Here is another map made by TinyIslandProductions. This one Is called, well wait cue the drum roll please! Da Da Da Da! This map is called Unfinished v 2.3. Well this map has many obstacle courses like jumping over a kill ball, keeping balance and stuff like that. In My opinion This Map Is a real fun map to play on. It has one thing no other racetrack map has, a Traffic Light! In the beginning wait for the blue light to spawn then off you go! Also look for shorcuts because we hid lots of them in this map. So sit back, relax, and steer! Picture Time! YAY. This map will still be updated regulary. Obey The laws then go free styling! Wheelie!!!! Ohh and ahh as you wish he's coming to get ya! Don't be freaked out if you see a random guy comes out of no where What lies Ahead oh no a killball! we are watching! Hope You Guys have Fun! Download Unfinished V 2.3 Rollin
Did you not just post this? Why did you close your other thread, just ask a mod to move it. Next tiem dont double post your map. As for the map it looks quite messy and bumby, also would take out the killballs unless there for a jump or something.
Sorry I am sorry I didnt know i had to tell a mod because i accidently posted in aesthetic. really sorry
This map is looks good and it looks like a challenge but i think it is to dark in some places and to bright with the killballs. Make a v2 and dont make it so bright. Just us the red and blue lights instead.
did you not read the description or did you go for the pictures? looks like a nice map. i DL and try it out then give you a rating.
This is a good map. Looks a little easy, but I will DL and give it a go. It is a little bumby, but is that just how you designed it?
Will download and check it out. Looks like fun, although I don't like that you put fx on. btw I think I owned you and your boosting friends on team swat blackout like two days ago xD haha no offense bud =) EDIT: I played through it and didn't find the map fun at all. The fx and killballs made it hard to see and the map was pretty sloppy (ramps could be smoother, stuff was crooked, etc.). Also the trafficlight would be better if you actually couldn't pass until the blue light spawned. Oh and in a lot of parts I didn't know whether (sp?) I had to pick up a lot of speed to cross a big gap or if I had to drive slowly. EDIT 2: I also just skipped half of the map right at the start =(
seems a little bumpy at some parts, which could mess it up. also, shouldnt this be in the race map section? oh but the traffic light idea is cool, but to make it look nicer maybe you could put walls in between the powerups and block them off so it actually looks like a traffic light
The mape is made this way so it will be harder. I could get the killballs out and also get the FX out. But the whole point of them is to make it harder. For example when you jump over the killball you have to get a lot of speed and then make the jump, and the killball is blinding you which makes the whole point. If this did not go this way the map would be way easier. Thanks for being the only person that understand... If you are talking to me then i do not have any boosting friends.... (unless you are talking to Glitched up) Could the reason that the map was fun at all to you be because you are not good at all at driving ? Talking about the big gap think realistic if there is a big gap well you have to get a lot of speed. And talking about roads being crooked well that's for a reason so if you are too close to the edge you will fall off. Dont you think that making a road just plainly on the gird would be way easier then making it crooked.... Did you skip half the map on foot? since if so there is no point in doing that at all... Thanks for the idea might try to use it in my next maps. 3 out of 4 killballs are used for something. If you play the map you would see that... The bumps are there for a reason >> TO MAKE THIS RACE HARDER>>