Sandbox Undulation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JBSpudster, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    It looks very similar to tribal wars but it looks really good well done
  2. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    Hey JB I haven't seen you in a quite a while! This map looks pretty good I am not usually a fan of sandbox because of how incredibly pissed I get at the inability to save change and keep the walls straight! You have to add me on xbox live my gamertag is Xx Stygian xX. Add me so I can get a game or two in on this.

    BRANKE0H Ancient
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    A great map looks like it would be good for btb and mabey make a v2 with action shots, so people know u have tested it
  4. burnout13245

    burnout13245 Ancient
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    Wow I cant believe this is your first post! This map seems very clean and well merged. You got a DL from me. 4.5/5
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Weakly supports FFA? This looks overall great in every way. It's thorough. But you didn't show enough of the ground floor. Besides that, it sorta has a UNSC feel. So that's good too. But are you sure 2 rockets and 1 laser is the way to go?
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Congrats on making 7 on 7. This is one of the few maps that actually deserves it!
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Wow, this powns my first map. In fact, this just got downloaded. So far, I only see one mistake and that would have to be using walls for floors. They have 'seismic activity' whenever you start a new game. I know its convenient, but I made a totally awesome map that doesnt work because of that, and now it will never be able to be posted here because of the bumpy floors. Basically, learn from my mistake and use walls, as walls.
  8. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow i think you are the first guys who he have a full sandbox map and he dont lost money to continue ! and the map looks like the map of my friends . the map are called bridgeos by Joe Is Outside ! That was just a litle post-it ! Good map and dont stop forging !
  9. JBSpudster

    JBSpudster Ancient
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    Yeah man, I hear ya. Sandbox can be a pain to forge on, but it is also quite rewarding when you manage to make something great. Well you don't have to add me in order to play on this map, since it is now going into the 7 on 7th playlist, but yeah I'll definitely send you a Friend Request. ^_^

    Personally, I hate FFA. I'm much more of a team player, so I tend to build maps that really focus on team play. Undulation is no exception, and unfortunately FFA play suffers from that fact.

    UNSC feel? Is that the name of another forged map or are you just referring to an architectural theme? And yes, 2 Rockets and a Splazer is the way to go, lol. They counter act the power vehicles, and they spawn out of sync to prevent players from power weapon hoarding, while giving the vehicles periods of "play time" if the drivers are smart.

    Thanks man! I really appreciate that comment. Yeah I was really surprised when it made it into the 7 on 7th playlist since Shishka didn't send me a PM or respond to my Atlas thread... The only reason I found out was because about 5 people on my friends list sent me congratulation messages a couple of hours after the weekly update was posted. I had no idea, lol.

    The only places where I used wall floors are the 3 bridges, which surprisingly aren't that bumpy. Yeah I definitely learned form my mistake of using walls for floors when I made my first Sandbox map in the Sky Bubble *shudders*.
  10. marshie 333

    marshie 333 Ancient
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    Wow, this looks amazing. I'de heard about it making 7 on the 7th, but seeing is believing. It's a DL for me. Nice to see you on forge hub, keep up the good work!

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