Created By: The HizzurK Undulation is my second map in reach. It took me about three days to make this map and according to testing feedback, it plays great. If you played Narrows in Halo 3, this map should feel like home. The main thing that is different from Narrows is that bottom mid starts from lobby and has flanks that lead to top mid. The map contains virtually no screen lag (it did have screen lag at first but I built a wall behind the stages so that when you look into the other teams lobby, you can't see the waterfall in the background) I encourage everyone to download the map, play a few games on it, and then leave some feedback. The two gametypes that I have set up on the map are TS and CTF. Weapons and Powerups: --- Sniper : 2 --- DMR: 6 --- Needle Rifle: 1 --- Frag: 4 --- Sticky: 4 --- Sprint: 1 (Bottom Mid) I posten an MLG version of this map in the MLG thread but this version is meant for regular competetive gametypes, especially CTF and Slayer. It also has new spawns set up for FFA. Main Cannon Small Cannon Main Cannon Landing Lobby Sniper Spawn/ Bottom Mid Thanks guys, hope you enjoy. - The HizzurK Reserved
Narrows influence? Any way looks sick make sure to post this in the forgetacular contest. I will Dl. You may want to put a roof on the bases so them jetpackers don't get on top of the walls.
Yes it is inspired by Narrows as I mentioned in the description. Good idea though, I will definitely add a roof to the bases.