ok this is my idea, you got a warthog turret/missle launcher and you cant move it. that would have many uses especially on castle maps or base maps to have an undetachable turret. ok, what you do is spawn and immovable object such as a box. build support and place warthog on it so only turret shows above the box. once you get that, surround the warthog (b4 the box spawns )with fences except for the top so that it is boxed in with minimal room to move. and you dont see the fences if you do see fences and another box or move the fences.onece it is interlocked correctly thus far place another fence over the warthog but below the box or on the box. and you should have an unbreakable turret. steps; (your interlocking all this stuff) 1.spawn box(optional but suggested) 2.build support to hold warthog so that only turret is above box 3.interlock warthog and box(set respawn at start on warthog to yes) 4.build a box out of fences/walls so that warthog is boxed in (do not interlock fences/walls with warthog) 5.make sure fences /walls are below box surface for a cleaner look 6. interlock a fence/wall and the warthog just under the turret and box 7. test it out (might help if map isnt overloaded/money glitched) should come out like this i apologize for crappy pics has not been tested with nearby explosives have not built complete one but this should work any suggestions are welcome and sorry if this was a bit confusing i will try to explain it better if you ask will finish building one and will post betterpics when my xbox is fixed
What you could do is put vehicle use to NO. But I guess that'll mean you cannot use the turret either. Are you suggestion merging items with a warthog and make it so only the turret can be used?
yep ive gotten it to work but it kept shifting and now my xbox got broken so i cant work on it know but this should work vehicules can be but the will shift around that what the fences ar for be cause you dont interlock them it should hold it still
u could be clearer but i understand the jist and it would be easier to explain with pix. I am using a similar kind of technique on my current map
i didnt mean to double post my internet was being slow and i clicked "submit" twice i ddnt think it would make it post twice my bad
Can't you just hold RB to get into the Driver or Passenger seat as well? That was a problem for my map, and a reason why I didn't do it.
im pretty sure that you can just set it so that you can only enter the gunner seat, just like there are settings for entering passenger only
What I do to make gause turrets is, put two fence walls either side of the warthog (at a slant from the top) then put doors in the front and the back so you cant drive it. Simple.
yes u can do that but this looks a bit nicer an to who ever said to use a warthog... this is using them