Underground Elevator Switch Created by Ja Red is Ninja Download Now! The Underground Elevator Switch is not really a new switch tech but it is definitely a new way to use a rather famous one. goatnuts420’s very own touch sensitive Switch tech is what gave me this idea. The design is simple, you place a grav lift where you want the switch, place a dumpster in a box so it goes under the map, save and quit merge a wall or fence wall under the map, and the beginning is setup. Next, you go under the map and touch and grab the dumpster quickly. Then, you place it so it is against the floor of the map. Then, grab the fence wall and save it so it holds the dumpster up. Start a new game and push 2 boxes under the map. Place the first against the fence wall so it is used as a guide for the next box and save. Go under the map again and set the fence wall and dumpster to 180 No. Start a new round and go under the map again. Place box 2 against the first one and save and quit. Come back and set everything to how you want it so it will come up when you run over it after x amount of seconds. Now to the pics!!!!! Overview of Entire Map First Room. You get out after 10 seconds. The Switch Epic Switch End!!!!! = D The Switch before 10 Seconds have passed After 10 Seconds Download Now!
i havent yet seen a switch like this one, i really like this idea for an elevator. you should build a map based around this or something, that would be cool, but, nice job, love the originality to it, 5/5
This is one of the best switches that I have seen in a while. Nice job. This would be a great piece of scenery that you could build a map around. I wonder, can you build multiple of these and have them all around the map?
I have never in my life opf playing halo seen a swtich like this one,I agree with those guys,you need to try and build multiple of them or try and build a map around it,or just something because the rest of the map is kind of empty
This is a really well forged out map.The switch is a very nice one.I love these nice and long ones,it's like a fun little mini game that you must beat.5/5.Awsome.
Pretty cool and I like the originality, you could also use this for a door type thing which is cool I don't think just goatnuts that came up with the wire switch though........ l Zero Fox l too
pretty cool idea, its the first one of its kind that ive seen. this would be great for infection games; as a way for the zombies to get out after a set amount of time.
Replied!!!! Omg That is possible. You can put them up anywhere on the map so that is pretty much sexy Thanks. There are ways to set it up so you could walkinto a room for the first time and the entire room rises. I'll make a map with this some other time. Tank u good sir Thanks. I love that I am getting 5/5 and long messages. NO SPAM!!! = D They came up with this type of thing forever ago. I just enhanced it. That IS one way you could use it I guess
Its impressive but not jaw dropping. More pix would have been nice but I really dont Know what Playable game type It`ll be used for.
Thanks for the compliment at all. I will be releasing a far more advanced versoin in about a week where cover rises out of the ground or something along those lines.
so basicly it goes up because you walk over it? where do you need the grav lift for then i dont get it really so if you would put a man cannon under the dumpster you would have a great new invisble trap ? even if you need to put a powerup on top of it i really like this though
awsome switch very creative i really like them when there long ones like this because that just shows the effort that you put into your map great job it looks very good.
The way the sswitch works is at the beginning of the round, the dumpster is all set and it want's to find a place to stay until it's touch sensitive barrier is you know touched. A box spawns in later ni the game and as soon as you walk over, it is pushed back into the map by the box. I be making a youtube video later. That was a bit spamish but thx for the download. Thank you good sir. I did put guite a bit of time just finding out if it worked but after that, you were just fine. it is usable in many places so imagine any use of this you can. For example, you can set a man cannon underground so when it comes out, it smacks you in the face and it is like waht you could call a landmine.