Underdog This map is pitch black and the weapons are the only light you will get other then the fusion coils and the sheild door. The map is small yet fun i dont want any one to play it for more then three games in a row because your eyes will get hurt bad, trust me. there is not much to the level other then lighting effects and a hidden part of the level that was hell trying to get to. i would like to thatnk my friend stoner jebus for all the hard work getting there and i would like to thatnk batterie included for playing the game with me. Pictures Do note that the rest of these should look like the first one but i got rid of the srceen effects so i could show you the map. Download: here
so the map is played on different maps because the pics dont make much sense to me or is that door in the last pic is supposed to be the portal to all those parts of the map?
uhh the names underdog, the pics are all of ghost town..... i dont know what either of you are talking about
Are you on drugs? All of those pictures are of Ghost Town, and they all are original. Anyways, I think the map is a good idea, but it seems like it's just a gimmick. Also, can you have a picture that shows more of the map? I'm confused about the layout.
dam right, he must be on sumthing its in a inacsesible room near teh powerdrain, need the turret rick to get in there
He edited the post, trust me. I believe it was taken off so that regular members cant see it anymore, ask a staff to verify: Look at the PM he just sent me: get me? As for the map, all I can see is some random closeups, don't even know what part of the map its on: call me stupid, idc, but I have no idea where its even at. From the pictures, I can see random wapons and equipment in a small area, but thats abo9ut it....
sdrakulich, the map is in the closed off part of the center / main building in Ghost Town that you would need to turret / teleporter glitch to get to. Anyway, the map looks okay. It's a good idea, with the only light coming from explosions and weapon effects, but, the area just seems too irregular and small to be able to make a good map out of it. That's why I never tried, or if I did, I would make it only a room in an infection map.
Actually, I think it is for slayer. I dont really know how this would work because their are a lot of plasmas on the level. Maybe you wanted it to be really hectic but I think the area is a little small. it sort of reminds me of the maps with guns in the back hallway on foundry but the effects probably add something to the map. overall, I will have to try the map out to see how it plays but I dont know how it will play out with the area being so small.
i think this looks like a great minigame map. even though the room is so small im gonna guess that the darkness makes it seem so much bigger. if you cant see anything then you cant see how small the room is, thus the room is not small. 4/5 great idea. download and +rep by the way dont take your pics in forge.
lol it's WTF! I had so much fun with this one (maybe because I won all the time, lol) download people! you can always delete it if you don't like it!
I reckon it coudl work ver well, actually. I'll give it a go. Though it is mighty small. You could always build another in a larger part of the map, say indoors.
this looks okay, but you havn't really given us anything to see. I want to know wjhat else is on this map. is there an outside?
The map seems unusual but its new and creative.I hope it doesn't get to crowded in there.Is the objective to find light and kill other people?I'm not sure i understand
yeah, well the map is great, nice idea with the lights, but is it for anything at all, the only thing I can imagine is screenshots or some new gametype, but that should be in the post and not be guessed by members, fix it plox.
Well, I played it. Bear in mind, it's posted in Casual, so treat it as such. It's hilarious to show to friends, they all just run aroudn helplessly, screaming "WTF". Seriously, if you get assasinated, you literally jump out of your seat. Recommend to play with no radar. Which filters did you use?
this map was just something i did in my spare time nothing big i thought hey i have not posted any thing in a long time up on forgehub but hey mabey i should post this. so i did and it turned out as a hella good map. but it is small.