Under Construction

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Docter Jimmy, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Docter Jimmy

    Docter Jimmy Ancient
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    Yo, back with another racetrack. This one's called Under Construction, although to be honest there's only one real part of it that looks remotely under construction. It's the best name I could come up with though, so yeah.

    Now, this race is pretty much defined by the big jump in the middle, as well as a short underwater tunnel and the man-cannon speed boosts seen in my last map. It's a similar style to my last map, but personally I think this one's a lot more fun.


    The starting point. Through the first checkpoint is a short downwards ramp.


    The first turn. It's pretty tight here, and some people probably won't make it through perfectly - this is good, though, it levels the playing field a bit. I've noticed a lot of tracks seem to end up with one person leading by a long shot, and this helps remedy that.


    Rocky little sloped area. Has two mancannon boosts, and a few rock obstacles.


    Next checkpoint.


    Unlike my last track, this one I really encourage going on the slopes here. It's a little bumpy otherwise.


    The jump. This is the "under construction" part, like an unfinished bridge. Pretty cool jump, you'll land it 90% of the time. If you somehow don't, though, it's pretty hilarious to see how you go flying.


    The next checkpoint, and the small part after the jump.


    Banked turn.


    Next checkpoint, entrance to underwater tunnel.


    Inside the tunnel.


    Short little upwards bridge. There's a little part on the map's geometry at the top.


    More mancannons, and the final checkpoint.


    Last banked turn, and the teleporter that takes you back to the start.


    And the overview!

    So that's this one. Give it a try, let me know what you think, and I'll try to fix any problems like before.
    #1 Docter Jimmy, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2011
  2. Under Construction

    Senior Member

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    This map is very impressive! It's smooth throughout and is quite pleasing aesthetically.
    I hope to see more race maps from you in the future... Also, nice choice of a name for the map. ;)

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