
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by tocapa, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. tocapa

    tocapa Ancient
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    Short description
    This map is a medium-large-sized base in the middle. The attackers start outside the enclosed base near the entrance. The defenders start in the back of the base. In the center is a sniper tower, which one team will need to control.

    Download map

    The entrance to the base

    The attackers' start

    The top of sniper tower

    Inside sniper tower

    The defenders' start

    Mongoose garages

    The main garage

    Inside the garage

    Full description
    This map is intended to represent a base in the middle of nowhere. The inhabitants thought they were safe from attack, but now they are about to get a rude awakening.

    This is my first completed Forge map, and though you probably won't like it, I did put effort into it and I think it's an accomplishment. It wasn't made for any specific gametype but it's probably better for team games than it is for individual games. It's pretty simple, no fancy Forge tricks other than interlocking objects, which I needed to make the tower come together appropriately.

    The main points of interest are obviously the sniper tower, which has a sniper (!) on the second level, and an overshield and turret on the top, making it the first place you need to control. Attackers have a Ghost on their side, and there is a Warthog in the garage on the defenders' side, though it may be hard to use in this map. There are two Mongooses on the side, and a Rocket Launcher in front of them. In addition, there is both a Shotgun and an Energy Sword, but they do not spawn at the beginning, and you'll have to find them yourselves. There may also be other secrets somewhere that you'll have to discover.

    Unfortunately I haven't gotten enough people together at one time to give it a first test, so I was kind of hoping that some of you would be kind of enough to help me out. I want to get it started at either six or seven so that it isn't too late for anyone on the East Coast. Is anyone interested? EDIT: 7 PST, so 10 EST. D'oh.
    #1 tocapa, Jun 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  2. The SEEJ

    The SEEJ Ancient
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    um i know that the storyline says its a base in the middle of nowhere but i just feel its too empty it kinda looks like gameplay would get repetetive
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    this doesn't look horrible, despite no interlocking, but I see spots for improvement.

    First, it looks very open, which I awesome is for warthog use, but there should be more to the map so it isn't so empty. Next, the weapon placement is pushing it. Sniper, rockets, shotty and sword. And an overshield. This screams overpower. It would be a good idea to maybe get rid of either sword or shotty, because two close-ranged power weapons is a bad idea. Rockets should be harder to get to also, being a power weapon. Just some tips. Obviously no interlocking can be a problem. Here it looks like there could be some bump issues with grenades but maybe not.

    Also, as general advice in the area of posting the map, try to take pics next time of the map in a custom game, not forge. The spawn points look often unattractive and take away from the map. Even if you can't get a test game, just go and start a custom match by yourself and then end it and take pics. It just looks nicer.

    Anyway don't take any of this offensively, just stating what could improve your map. Keep forging and welcome to FH :]
  4. tocapa

    tocapa Ancient
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    Well, thanks for saying it's not horrible. Do you really think it's too overpowered? I mean, Pit has two shotty, two snipers, rockets, sword, camo, overshield, but I guess that's different.

    I figured emptiness was going to be the main complaint. I'm just not sure how to make it less empty without taking away the Hog, but I guess the Hog isn't that important. I just wanted to make it more than just a rearranging of Foundry.

    As for the whole screenshots thing, I kept trying to get a game started with the GameFAQs board but nobody ever responded.
  5. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    I like the second floor of the base and the way you used the windows. Good Job :D
  6. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    The map I would say isn'y anyone style realy but, you can improve, add more to the palce becasue the base have a lot of detail and nothing else has that much detail, also oyu can put a few morew pics to give more description to the map- 3/5.
  7. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    wait i see interlocking here. am i watching the same pics as you guys? looks clean IMO. the only suggestions i would give to make your map even better is changing the weapon placement and adding a bit more cover/scenery to the bottom floor area. other than that i think you did a pretty good job
  8. tocapa

    tocapa Ancient
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    Like what specifically to change on the weapon placement? I tried to even it out for both sides in terms of weapons available and distance to said weapons, but I won't be sure it's balanced until it gets played.

    I didn't use interlocking a lot because I didn't really see anywhere that needed it, except of course the tower. Also, by the base has a lot of detail, do you mean the tower? I'm going to try to figure out a way to get more into the middle area.

    Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone.
  9. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    hmm well I cant be positive of course lol til I play it but judging from pics it just seemed that. Way, but I shall test it when I get a chance and get back to you about it.
  10. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    looks really open.. is this maynly for vehicals?
  11. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Looks incredibly clean, but it isn't a new concept in the least.
  12. tocapa

    tocapa Ancient
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    Well I'm not a very creative person. :)

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