Unconquered (CE Inspired)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AtlasIsShruggin, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    "This map is one of the best I've seen. Camping is close to impossible, the flow is magnificent, and you've truly captured the Halo Spirit. This map would bring me back to the Team Slayer Playlist and I would rage at anyone who didn't vote for it." - eG x Trickshot

    Unconquered Beta Trailer - YouTube

    Beta Trailer Reflect an older version of Unconquered​

    Unconquered is a map that came out of love for the classic maps of Halo CE. I spent hours looking at Prisoner, Hang Em High, and Damnation before starting to forge Unconquered. Unconquered is an asymmetrical map that is played best with Team Slayer, FFA, FFA Oddball, and Juggernaut Gametypes.

    Before I began, I received some of the best forging advice I have ever received.

    "When forging, place the pieces and let the pieces guide the map. Don't force it."

    Unconquered was absolutely built due to this advice. Forgers who have seen my older work will probably be shocked by the radical change in forging style. This is also due to an excellent article by MrGreenWithAGun called, "Forging the Forerunner."

    Unconquered has been a labor of love, and I am very proud of the end result. The map has been tested by over 70 Players and has been worked on for the last three months. I hope you all enjoy Unconquered!

    And if you can find the traffic cone you can have a cookie:)








    Thanks To All The Testers!

    Dr Reis
    o0 Darkfire 0o
    Tom Is High
    DPS Sundown
    Stealthy link
    CHURCH M116
    Athena Assassin
    Regrets Nothing
    DM Charlie
    X virus Wesker
    FuN Fortress
    AbleSir Thomas
    Alphaomega 04
    Calamity Rato
    IXI IVIike IXI
    eG x TrickShot
    eG x Foxtrot
    eG x Demon
    eG x Thee Elf
    eG x ohmachi
    eG x Aura
    eG x Schuermann
    HighbornT Boy
    ULATV Mongoose
    The Psycho Duck
    Flying Shoe ILR
    Given To Fly 93
    The Psycho Duck
    x Jakugen x
    The Berb 9


    Download Now
    #1 AtlasIsShruggin, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  2. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    I remember playing this forever ago. Was a good map then, but the improvements you have made look even better. I am assuming the the spawns have been fixed? Honestly, the thing I enjoyed most about this map was that your really had to keep moving, and the fact that high ground was not necessarily the best control point. You have my DL, and I hope I can get a game on this version soon!
  3. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    NICE!!! Its finally posted. This map was fun to watch grow over the past few months. Gamplay was off the charts! I dont see my name in the testers section : ( oh well Grats on the great map being done. Cool vid BTW who made it?
  4. Philly D

    Philly D Forerunner

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    i played on the beta version i cant wait to see what changes you made.
  5. La7ham

    La7ham Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love this map it flows great looks great and the map gives it own unique playing style. I can't wait to see more Atlas and look how many testers you must of had fun writing those out. Can't wait to play this
  6. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool. I think i saw it somewhere else probably weeks ago. Seems pretty solid. I'll take a look around and get a game on it sometime. I'm strongly assuming that it plays with the "classic" setting from matchmaking?
  7. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    Awesome map, it trull does seem to capture the Halo 1 vibe, I can't wait to try it out when I get back to my Xbox 360. BTW, how did you come along in the creation of this map, did you draw out the layout or what?
  8. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    I know! It's been a long time coming with this map. And Tom I was so confused when I went through and didn't find your name on any of the custom games players lists... I thought maybe you had only played the map in forge but this settles it, I'll add your name immediately. As always thanks for being not only a great forging friend, but one of the most friendly and as terrible as this sounds, 'good person' I've ever had the pleasure of meeting on live. We'll have to tear up the premium playlist again soon :)

    Oh and I've done all my trailers for my maps. It's fun for me to throw a little something together.

    Hey Paul, I knew the Forging Assembly had played a game on this in my absence but I wasn't sure who played since I wasn't there. I'll add your name to the list :)

    The Red Coats are coming! The Red Coats are coming!

    Just kidding :) Thanks La7ham I know it's been awhile since we've spoken. Hope vacation went well! I'll be easing back into live more and more now that work is slowing down at least a little lol. Hopefully we can catch up soon!

    While the map is built from CE influence, I didn't want to exclude any gametype. The map is a blast on the classic settings, but all the trick jumps and layout in general plays in Reach Settings as well.

    While I went in with a basic idea of what the map would be, I also freehanded a bit using Godly's advice. This map actually surprised me a great deal with some of what happened to come out just by using the pieces in interesting ways.

    Yeah I've been working on this one for awhile :) The spawns have not only been completely redone, but the zones are different now as well. That was actually probably the most annoying part of getting this map to work correctly. Thanks for the download and I hope you enjoy the finished product!

  9. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Atlas this looks awesome. Some of the smaller details you worked into the ceiling top mid and all down the long west hallway are stellar.

    I did a forgethrough on this and I can't wait to play it. I have a feeling that Classic and Heretic slayer will be ridiculously fun on this.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Moments like 1:12 in the video demonstrated to me a very good use of visual cover. This map looks like it does a very good job of making gameplay flow smoothly, using good lines of sight, little lag, and some great aesthetic features. Good job!
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I definitely enjoyed playing this map. While it didn't feel particularly unique, it did play quite well and is clearly well made. The Forerunner style is well-done and the map is overall very solid. i guess i don't have too much more to say, as I've only played this a few times and it's been a while, but I can definitely vouch for this being a good map.
  12. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Wow, you got my download right away. I recognized hang em high instantly in your video of the assassination . That window area, I play Halo1 every day in class at school, I feel the flow of all these maps inside unconquered. Very nice!
  13. firedune

    firedune Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Man, I just got a game in with Godlyperfection the other day, and I loved this map. The sword is a great power weapon, but it will change hands suprisingly frequently. The top (catwalk I guess?) is extremly risky to go to, but offers direct acess to the other side if you can make a great push. Even on slayer it was great, with the AAs having a noticible impact on map flow itself which is incredibly rare in a map. I'd have to say though, that Avtive camo is probably the best AA to use. Especially if you get your hands on that sword. Me and godly had a run-in with each other wher we both had active camo enabled...but he had a sword... I got it on the next repawn though, and caused some major damage to the red team. Great job!
  14. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hmm... it's been awhile since I played on this, and I can see it looks much nicer now. Though it was an alpha or beta version then, I did have a lot of fun on Unconquered, and it really looks like you improved the atmosphere after its bland beginnings.

    My gosh, you have made me feel horrible remembering this many people for your thank you list. Really enjoyable map man!
  15. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is some sketchy connection and long, thick LoS, but nothing that can't be fixed. More people should use H1 maps as inspiration. Can't give too much feedback, but I will be back once I walk through it. Great job.
  16. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just got in a few more games on this today.

    Hot stuff man. Even with 5v5 it held together really well. I didn't hear any reports of bad spawns either, so the changes you made must have worked. Really glad to see so many people supporting this one. Solid maps don't always look the hottest, and sexxy maps don't always play the hottest, but it would seem you've hit a sweet spot just right.

    I really want to see how some freeflow objective plays, KotH, Ball, and Headhunter should be fantastic.
  17. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks Gnappy! I'm very pleased you enjoyed the map so much and even more pleased it allowed us to play more on live. I've had a blast playing Unconquered and everything else over the past few days!

    Thanks! It's been quite a job making sure the sight lines match up to the overall flow and it's great that it's being noticed!

    Thanks Psychoduck! As always your advice and support is very much appreciated :)

    Thanks! I spent a lot of time just playing the classic maps before forging Unconquered and really did my best to bring them all together

    The sword is a very fun weapon for this map. It shines through even more in free for all. It's almost like an oddball everyone hunts for the player with the sword :) Good times. Hopefully we'll run into each other on Live through Godly and be able to play again!

    After forgetting so many testers last time I was extra careful to save every game played so I could include everyone :) Thanks Shoe and I'll see you on live!

    If you look at the classic maps of CE you'll notice even longer sightlines than Unconquered's. Think of Damnation, Hang Em High, Boarding Action, or even more of Halo 2's maps. The trick is giving the player cover within those sightlines and offering them escape to another level or area of the map. You'll notice a lot of slight height variations in Unconquered that allow a player to move and flow through the map very efficiently and quickly. This is perhaps the essence of a Halo CE map.

    Thanks for your comment and enjoy Unconquered!
  18. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is a beautiful map! The layout is really simple but well thought out. That said, since the frame rate suffers from a minor drop, have you considered removing the light? As awesome as it looks (especially the ceiling), there is a bit of lag in the main room. Also, the block behind the sword looks a little random. Have you considered turning it into a column, or replicating it at the opposite end of the sword? Just some ideas, but still very nice classic style map.
  19. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I knew this was going to be a fun map as soon as I saw it. I could hardly recognize this as an AtlasIsShruggin map. Wow, has your style changed and grown. It's definetly in line with the game style I want to play. It got great review and was voted into our regular play list.

    I've liked some of your previous maps but they just didn't quite make it to the regular playlist and stayed strictly alternative. This and your Liberty 5-3000 map have been alot of fun. I enjoyed how clean it was. There's nice variations between map lvl hieghts and cover distances. You never feel like your way out in the open for a long period of time. There is subtle use of unneccessary esthetics which keeps the map clean but still nice to look at. The fact that I could have a 1v1 on a map this size and still have a blast shows how well it's built.

    If how much you've grown in the past 6 months is the example then I expect great things from your future maps - - No Pressure :)
  20. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is the **** right here. A friend of mine called me 30mins ago and was all like dude i got this map off of forge-hub and it is the **** come play it with me and friends i was like ok. So we played and it was abs-freak-loutly amazing. You are the man for making such a fine map. Kudos .

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