
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Furious D 18, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Lol. If only you knew. I worked out a rough sketch at work on a Wednesday. I started Forging about 10pm that night. I decided not to sleep. At roughly 10am on Thursday I had to go to work. I was too sleepy so I came home after a few hours, and went back to Forging! I think I put the finishing touches on the map geometry late Thursday night.

    Total elapsed time from start to finish: around 24 hours
    Total time spent Forging during that time: around 16-18 hours

    And then I had to test, take pics, tweak the weapons and player spawns, and write up the forum post. Whew! That's how I am when I get really inspired, I can't stop. But I think the hard work payed off.
  2. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Favorite map of all time. This is amazing. Thanks alot for making this wonderful map!
  3. El Capitaine

    El Capitaine Ancient
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    great map!

    first thing I thought when I saw the screens was:

    holy crap the interlocking on this looks so good

    and the second was:

    this had better be featured. Even b.net favorited!

    speaking of which, I heard from SketchFactor on a b.net post (it was a map post from a FH map, don't remember which), that the Forge playlist will be after the autoupdate, due to a glitch when Forged maps are used in MM. (my thoughts? the glitch he refers to is what caused the crazy party join times in the Living Dead playlist. And that's why there hasn't been a special hopper since)

    But anyway, he said that they'll be relying on sites like FH to wade through the not-so-good maps much faster. which is great. Thank God it's Forgeday EVERY NIGHT! Because I have yet to be able to make one of them.

    anyway, I digress. but great map!

    * queued *
  4. Scribner

    Scribner Ancient
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    hehe, I was bored of 90 degree angles before I even began making my first map. I've also been a big fan of the tileside of the boxes as you can see in my old sig link. Anyway, glad to see the bigger names around here picking up this style.
  5. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    REALLY great job on this furious. It should have more downloads. So ill tell you what ill do. Ill feature it in my fileshare. It will still have ur name on it and evrythig. even the same link to the forum. I will tell all my friends about it and get them off their lazy butts to go comment. CUZ THIS IS SWEET!
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Wow, I'm honored. But you're talking about Forged maps, right? Lockout 4 EVER!

    I'm honored again. I love it when I'm browsing a friend's file share and one of their slots has one of my files.

    I just got done playing a couple more games, so I thought I'd share some cool screenshots.
    Playing with no motion tracker can result in interesting situations. "Hey buddy."



    Notable events in the games:
    • The fusion coil explosion was so massive that I hit the ceiling on the map. On my way down, I beat down the guy who set them off. Epic.
    • One unlucky player got blasted by a grenade and a brute shot explosion at the wrong time and ended up outside the play area. The good news: there's teleporters out there. The bad news: they lead to your death.
    • Note to self: when an enemy is inside the bubble shield, throw the plasma grenade after you go in. Otherwise it'll bounce off the side and you'll stick yourself in the face. Embarrassing.

    Thanks again for all the support guys.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I pretty much love all of your maps. Anything with your name on it just seems to be amazing.
  8. Lintendo64

    Lintendo64 Ancient
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    very awesome asymmetric map, I will def dl this.
  9. ostemb0r

    ostemb0r Ancient
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    looking forward to running around this, looks great, Q'd¬!
  10. Stevemcguy

    Stevemcguy Ancient
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    A very good map! Looks like it took a lot of hard work. It's also very easy to get out of.
  11. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    This map is totally awsome, except its incredibly easy to escape from. I forged it for zombies and carved out a secret base under the map. Also, when the game starts there are two places where wall panels don't spawn and you can literally walk out of the map. I DL'ed this a while ago so that might have been fixed already. One of the spots i'm talking about is in the far corner visible in the first picture.

    EDIT: okay nevermind it looks like u got the spots in the updated version (i din't see it before).
  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Yes, I know. I should have fixed that spot up top but I figured I'd only be playing it with my friends and I trust them to not get out. If you do decide to leave, there's nothing out there except teleporters that lead to your death. I may fix that in a future version if it is to be featured anywhere.

    I thought about trying to use that spot down there, but I decided that I wanted the map to remain small, and I didn't want to separate the action too much. But in a game like Infection, that spot down there would be perfect.
  13. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    Nice map dude really like, but it looks like someone has a bit to much time on there hands lol.
  14. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I played this map a while ago in a random group and didn't realize it was from you. Great, great map. Probably the most interesting geometry I've seen on 'traditional' map variant so far. And it looks so clean. I'm hoping for a Furious-Cosmic collaboration sometime in the future. My crazy ideas with your flawless execution and balance...

    *gazes longingly into horizon*

    And you're right. Lockout forever!
  15. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
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    my friend and i played this last night with 2 other people and had a blast. well done.
  16. MagicalMonkey93

    MagicalMonkey93 Ancient
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    Looks crazy good. I can relate by saying that all that inter-locking would have been really hard to make.
  17. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Wow. Im speechless. This map looks so clean and looks like nothing is messed up or out of place! The interlocking is just perfect. I can't wait to play it!!!
  18. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks for taking the time to let me know that you liked it. This map is certainly my current pride and joy. I'm starting to get ideas for my next map, and if it does half as good as this on I'll be happy.
  19. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Furious your maps kick ass, I hope you get a feature in the near future.

    I'm queing this
  20. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    this map is really good and i play it a lot. only problem is that u can easily grenade jump out of some of the walls/

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