
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CheeseJam, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    The MAJORITY of people here are friendly, but you have to understand from their perspective that this does seem like a cheap way to get some downloads.

    I will go ahead and download this map for fun because it intrigues me (I don't really care if I win the prize, though I will take it if I do win :D). It sounds like I have my work cut out for me!

    CheeseJam, for your future puzzle maps, DO NOT OFFER A PRIZE unless your rules are very, very clear. Make your maps uncheatable and full-proof from any hacks, even with the proper game and map variant loaded. It is does not sit well ethically with people when you are not clear with your rules and you have not even tested your map (your first map, for example). Create your next map to be beaten in ANY WAY (while still remaining difficult, of course), so that when someone beats it their own way, it is still considered a successful run. If there is a jump that exists that you didn't foresee as a solution, you should still concede this as part of the solution, because honestly it is your map and you should have tested it for this. How is anyone going to know if you intended for that jump to exist or not?

    I personally don't think you should offer a prize to begin with as it gives rise to skepticism, but that is for you to decide.

    Please don't take this as criticism, but as advice.


    I gave it a go. Its pointless if you make everything have the attribute to never respawn. You can't retry different obstacles over again. Frustration overrides any sense of accomplishment. This is not a puzzle of skill, but of meaningless frustration.

    Its like that carnival game where you try to bounce a ping pong ball into a bowl floating in the water, or toss a ring onto the top of a glass bottle. Just multiply that by 8, and you have to do it all in a row or start from the beginning again. Sure, its possible, but the number of things that must go right without a mistake is insanely frustrating. That's what this felt like.

    Keep your points, and please don't make another puzzle map in which you will give a reward for completing. An inflated download counter does not equal a "quality" map. I feel dumb for falling for this.
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    ya it was buddha and like coyote said how can u cheat it just means he broke ur map. and his friend l ManBearPig l also did it but he didn't post his vid
  3. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    how do we no wat is the right way cuz if we do it the way we think then u can say tht everyway is wrong then u get easy downloads and u keep ur money
  4. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Sage don't double post, just edit it, it was only 5 minutes...
  5. CostlyAxis

    CostlyAxis Ancient
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    I must admit, your maze is hard. I'm still in the first room, but is that Fusion Coil supposed to destroy the Grav Lift because I shot it and destroyed it, but it did nothing.

    Nevermind, I just shot the Grav Lift itself.
  6. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Dang, you shot the grav lift itself, good job! What happened in the past is the past. Anything goes on this map! Complete it however you like without modifying the gametype or map, good luck! :)
  7. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    sorry i didn't realize i double posted til i did and there was no use to try and fix it so i left so sorry again
  8. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Ok CheeseJam, I am glad you changed that, I have respect for you for saying that, but whats with no unlimited ammo, the start and quit is starting to bug me...
  9. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I tried to make the hardest course out there, not matter how frustrating it is! :)
  10. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I've downloaded your map, because I love maps that are incredibly hard, they make me so mad, but great when all your friends can't beat it. But I keep my puzzles short so I can make sure they can't be broken (and believe me, they've tried) but if they do break the map, I never call them cheaters, because it just means that I should have made it better. I'm going to try your map, but I want to know if YOU have beat your map your way, because I don't think it is right for you to make a map and claim it is extremely hard if you yourself haven't beaten it.

    - Gobbles out! ^•^ ;•K
  11. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    No I can not beat my own map. I can beat all my obstacles individually, but all in a row is too tough for me. :/ I am no good at obstacle courses, but pretty good at making them! :)
  12. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    okay, I think that you should always be able to beat your own course, but its okay that you have at least beaten all the courses individually.
  13. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Since this course is so hard, only the best of the best can beat it. I am not even close when it comes to being good at obstacle courses... Sorry :(
  14. a coco pebbie

    a coco pebbie Ancient
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    this is a waste of time... in a good way good job cheese jam the hard part is doing the jumps the other hard part is figureing out how to do them 20 mins and not even past the first thing :( but where do you go after the soccerball thing its just a tele porter
  15. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    You have to go through the tele. You have a 1/16 chance of succeeding.
  16. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Ok I know this is off topic, but I just had to say it. I was on you tube looking at hiding tactics ( people playing cheaply in halo ) the grifball edition. After the games they show what people said to them, and guess who was on the other team in the first post game lobby. Cheese Jam. I know this is a random post, but I just find it funny that I know who one of the people who is on the other team in these videos is.
  17. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Cannot beat own course = FAIL.

    If its soooooo hard that you cannot beat it yourself, how could you possibly expect anyone else to even try?

    Golden Rule: "Treat others how you would want to be treated" (or something like that)

    Read: don't ask people to do something that you are not willing to do yourself.

  18. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I can beat all the obstacles individually, just not all in a row. 

    So just because I made the hardest obstacle course means that I must be the best at completing it?  It takes skill, which I lack.

    I bet there are people at Bungie who can't beat Legendary in Halo 3.  Should they not have added Legendary mode to Halo 3 then?

    And your advise makes no sense.  What does the way I treat others have to do with this map?  And, I am willing to do my map, I just can't. 

    Yu mkae konw scence.

    You complaing about a map you can't beat=FAIL

    God damn, think before you post. 

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