I have just been forging, and despite using the "Haloball" gametype, the label "Skee_Ball_Object" is nowhere to be seen. Am I doing something wrong or using the wrong gametype?
Hmm, it should be in Haloball. I think it's one of the last labels, if not THE last one. If you can't find it you might download another gametype from somebody's fileshare - I know a lot of released stuff uses that label, including "Lair of the Destructaur."
I did what you said (dled another gametype) and it worked but now i have another issue. When I enter a teleporter I suddenly respawn back at a spawn point.
If the teleporter is the goal, and a weapon or AA is the scoring object, maybe you accidentally set the teleporter as the goal? OR maybe the goal area covers the teleporter sender OR reciever. I know it's a long shot, but it's a weird problem.