Below are two screenshots of an MLG map I'll be releasing tomorrow around this time(If I can come up with a name). The map is symmetrical and multi-leveled. There are four man cannons that shoot you through a tube leading up to top mid. This feature makes the map really fun to play on. Keep your eye out for this map in the MLG section tomorrow. If something goes wrong and I don't get to release it tomorrow then I'll reply to this thread informing everyone. Also, If you have any map name ideas feel free to message me -Skisma
That middle rea looks amazing, but the parts on the left and right of the map seem kind of bare. Is there any work left to do for the map?
No more work is being done, I'm sorry. I like to keep the areas in Front of te bases open for smooth entries and exits. It would be hectic if I had a giant wall right in front of the base. Though those areas do seem open kinda of "bare", gameplay is still fun trust me.
How come in the 1st pic there are Crypt lights in un-normal locations? Like smack in the middle. Is that Photoshopping or is the map modded?
Those lights actually aren't in un-normal locations even though they appear to be. In order to get a shot of the map from that far away i had to glitch outside of it; I took a screenshot from outside of the crypts walls and that's why it looks like that. The only reason why I took this picture in forge mode instead of custom games is because forge is the only way I know how to get outside of the map. Also, I was very busy today and didn't have enough time to post the map, my apologies. I'll be home all day tomorrow so you can expect to find it in the MLG section to tomorrow around lunch time(maybe a little later). -Skisma