Okay, so I've tried several Sandbox canvases and run into the same problem each time; When I try to interlock by setting an OLN objest to not spawn at start, it either deletes itself or moves back to wherever it is on defauld Sandbox. Any help?
search search for merging default objects on sandbox. I found a post telling you how but I cant find it again.
It's not the canvas, it's the OLN objects themselves, sometimes they just act up and don't disappear, or disappear later. I just usually try to not interlock them and make non-OLN objects if I want to interlock. As for weapons and stuff, I just delete them from the start because they usually never respawn where I place them, but rather back up where they were stacked on my OLN canvas. (stickies especially) Don't go searching for more canvas's because they will all have that problem. EDIT: Guide to merging original OLN objects, by MickRaider
the best thing to do is delete all the objects but keep weapons/spawns/equipment/vehicles. you should hit the budget before the object limit this way. and some default stuff has the run time max up and wont go down just by deleting the object, so it is wasting budget. make sure you lower that manually on some things, i think it happens mostly with equipment, specifically i remember sticky nades.