I do not know what is going on with my 360... but when I try to turn on my Wireless controller, it does not turn on the 360 nor does it turn on itself. So I put on the Play and Charge kit, because I assume the batter is dead and it gives the red light for a couple seconds, then goes green. Well I check how much energy the battery is by pressing the Xbox Guide button, and it says it has 1-2 bars (out of 4) while the light is green. So I unplug the Play and Charge kit and I get the "Please reconnect controller" message. Another thing that is going on is when I try and turn on Rock Band with my drum and guitar controller plugged into the Universal Hub, the drums and guitar do not turn on... I check and everything is plugged right; the issue is fixed when I just disconnect the controllers and replug them. Ugh so please anybody help me out?
2 bars=out of batteries. dont ask me why... your ports in the front you sometimes have to jiggle around the plugs to get them connected better, ive found.
This happened to me once. I just took a cloth and wiped the inside of my battery packs because there was dust. As for your drums I got nothin!
I don't know how to help you in this catagory. EDIT by Furious: If you can't help, don't bother posting. This is spam.
That's what you get for using play and charge, I hate ALL cords, I just use batteries. Batteries give you a much nicer hefty feeling rumble than a worn down charge pack.
I've had this problem because I don't use a charge pack in my wireless controller. In fact, I use a wired controller because it is lighter. As for my Guitar Hero guitar, I use batteries.
wired controllers are lighter and easier... and obviously batteries r dead... rock band just make sure no dust in the USB cord...
so you are saying that its plugged i and it still wont work? maybe you should contact Microsoft hopefully u still have a warranty
Yes. I have the play & charge kit. With my wireless controller (has a rechargeable pack in it), I try to turn on my 360 by holding down the middle button on it, but it just does not do anything. So I plug in the charger into it and then try; still nothing. I then manually turn on my Xbox 360, the game starts up. The light on the play and charge kit is red indicating that it is charging, but 5 seconds later it goes green. I check the Xbox Guide and it says my battery has 1 bar in it even though the light is green.
With the drums and guitar in the multi-hub, it does the same thing for me, so I either unplug and replug them or restart my X-box. As to the play and charge kit or w/e I have no help for you, I suggest getting another.
Sounds like the battery pack is the problem not the play and charge kit. Have you tried leaving it charged even though its green. maybe the lights are errored up and it is charging when it says its charged. New battery packs are like £2 go buy one.
Its not charging even if the light is green, and I have another pack but that one too is screwed up... I am thinking the Charger is screwed up?
It sounds like the charger is the problem, if more than one pack is acting up. Get rechargable batteries, they work great. If you can't go that route then just get a new charger.