
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by R0CKET M00SE, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. R0CKET M00SE

    R0CKET M00SE Ancient
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    By R0CKET M00SE

    Players: 2-6
    Gametypes: FFA 1v1 2v2 3v3 KOTH Slayer Oddball
    Map: Forge World (Colosseum)

    Description: A map I put together from the start of Reach. It plays best for intense and hectic fights. The original idea behind the map was to set up a relatively small playing space which maintains power weapons but also using highly powered weapons out of their natural environment. The Sniper and Lazer for example are not short ranged weapons but can pack a heavy punch in certain spots. The aesthetics that I implemented on the map can be a little overwhelming to the eyes at times but I assure you that it doesn't go farther than what a juicy can give you. It's important to play smart and use the plentiful amount of resources which are scattered throughout the map. These Include:

    - Grenade Launcher
    - Concussion Rifle
    - Sniper Rifle
    - Spartan Lazer
    - Plasma repeater
    - Spiker
    - DMR x2
    - Plasma Pistol
    - Needle Rifle
    - Needler
    - Focus Rifle
    - Plasma Grenade x4
    - Active Camouflage (non AA)
    - Evade Pickup
    - Drop Shield Pickup










    I wanted to specially thank those who spent a lot helping me in forge with this map. Some of you guys spent HOURS with me helping out and I appreciate it so much.
    - ramenloverninja
    - Capton Furgler
    - Black Theorem
    - Pipothy
    - Also all those who tested and gave criticism.
  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ultraviolet creates a perfect balance of stunning aesthetic structure and balanced, fast-paced game play. I spent my first game on here just walking around trying to appreciate the sheer epic-ness of it all. I believe in that game I also got tea bagged several times.


    With smaller scale maps forgers tend to run into spawning issues, this one on the other hand rarely [if that, ever] sees such an issue. The weapons compliment the layout of the map and should be noted that no weapon is dominate over another. Everything is fair game and weighted properly.

    In short, Ultraviolet is an epitomic guideline for future FFA maps. Good stuff M00SE. o/
    #2 DunkinMyCookies, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Glad to see it's finally posted, with all the minor tweaks and changes added in.

    The map plays well with smaller parties, and really is a blast to get a group of competitive players on it. There's plenty of height variation to complement the actual size of the map, and yes, at times, the aesthetics are enough to distract me in the middle of a fight. I still wish you took out the FXs, but the map does look so much better with then.

    The best gametype to play this on is KoTH, absolute hilarity if everyone's armor locking :D
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Hey I remember this map. We had some crazy times here all that time ago when I tested it with you. . .

    It is beautiful aesthetically, and it plays wonderfully (except for that one room which everyone camped in with the oddball, if that was what it was).

    Well, regardless, I enjoyed it.
  5. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    I hate this map.

    Oh wait the spawns are good now?

    I love this map.

    The simplicity of the layout, and overall weapon placement make this a very exciting map to play. I especially love the Evade in the middle of the map. This is one of the few maps that I've ever actually enjoyed playing headhunter on. And if you know my hatred for headhunter, you know that is saying something.
  6. LT Forge

    LT Forge Forerunner

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    I must say this map is quite interesting. Has a very psychadelic feel to it. feels like im in a rave scene, which I do find quite entertaining. This map would be great...for machinima. I've got to say for FFA this map functions fairly well, but as for team gametypes, not so much, the flow is just not there for team, can get a bit headache inducing trying to make callouts to an area only to be frustrated by the fact that navigation to said callout can be an utter pain. 7.5/10 love the visuals, it's what sold me.
  7. R0CKET M00SE

    R0CKET M00SE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool Bro! but... you didn't play on it.

    Thanks for commenting though. I never really intended it to play for team games in the first place... And I'm pretty sure the callouts thing isn't an issue at all. It plays hectically, and People can move between places a lot. Not really the map for that sort of thing.
  8. ramenloverninja

    ramenloverninja Forerunner

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    I wish we could add the "Never Surrender" song from Club Errea Easter Egg to this map. I also like all the parts with me in them.

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