I didn't add pics on my other volcano so i did the pics on this one. This map is just a volcano that is fun to jump into... The top view I also included falling stuff You can try to jump it, its easy... Pick up a sniper rifle and shoot a fusion coil in the sky... WILL YOU BE THE NEXT SACRIFICE??
The pics are still not working heres the link to get them to work. Also do not double post its against the rules. Please just go to the bottom of your previos post and hit edit from now ok.
not up to standards. 1 - post a link to your map (+gametype) 2 - imbed images (Bungie is not an image posting site) 3 - do not double post. you have posted this thread twice. welcome to forgehub, but please check the map posting rules before posting your next map. you might want to edit this post.