I'm not saying this is the best track out there, that's just what it's named. This is an awesome Foundry track with lots of man cannons for super fun jumps. Put feedback in a reply. The achievement was from www.technology-ninja.com. Put achievements in the search box. The map can be downloaded below. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20858375 My sig is from www.halotech.org Enjoy the map guys! PS constructive critisism appreciated but please no stuff saying "this map is teh suck!1111111111". If you're going to critisise do it properly, ok?
This post is not up to standards. Please read the "How to post your map" sticky at the top of the topic. Thank you! p.s. why are you telling us where you got your stuff from? that doesnt go in this topic, just to let ya know.
I read it and I have too many screenshots to take more don't blame me blame the dam 50 screenshot limit
I will download the map when i get home from my dads ... Would be alot better if you had screenshots though .. Is it really that ultimate..?
Um, you do realise you can delete them right? Press start, go to screenshots, press x, then select delete. Do that with all 50 and you can take 50 more! Seriously...
You need mroe pictures. If you have too many, just put about 3 of the screenshots that show the most of your Track. Like RC Master said before, you can delete them so there shouldn't be a reason to not have pictures.
you should read the sticky post on how to post a map correctly. also try to give a better description of your map and not just say "here is the map, hope you enjoy.